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"No Harry, you can't kill him."
Hermione Granger had whispered those words to Harry Potter in the middle of the great hall, while Ronald Weasley ate his dinner, and Harry read a book with a bad look on his face.
Harry slowly looked up from his book, acting as though the conversation they were having, was normal.
Which it was.
Conversations like this one, were often heard between the three gryffindors, if not by anyone who spoke to Harry.
"I don't believe I said anything, but whoever you're talking about, why the hell not?"
No one told Harry Potter what to do.
"Dumbledore. And don't think I didn't see that look on you're face Harry! We are not killing the headmaster!" She replied, whispering the last part so only a few gryffindors could hear.
"Yet." Harry said, pointedly, before looking back down at his book.
Ron scoffed from his seat in front of Harry.
"Mione', what are we going to do to stop him?"
He continued to eat as he got defeated looks from Hermione.
Who was she kidding? Ron was right for once, if Harry wanted to do anything than no one could stop him.
Their 6th year had been particularly interesting.
Harry had struck an alliance with Voldemort to sign the war over to him, guaranteeing a win as long as Voldemort didn't harm the people on his list, which he could add and take away from.
Not many people knew, but the death eaters had a good laugh at the excuse Harry gave for being in their meeting.
"Why are you here, Potter!" Lucius had screeched.
To this, Harry only gave a smile that would terrify Salazar Slytherin himself and simply replied, "probably the same thing as you, prat-who-got-tricked-by-a-twelve-year-old."
To which the death eaters, and even Voldemort all laughed at as Lucius went red with embarrassment.
That was a fun evening.
Harry continued to read his book, ignoring his food as he secretly watched the argument striking itself at the gryffindor table.
"Honestly Ron! Slow down! You look like a pig!" Hermione had screeched.
Harry hid his slight smile behind his book as he lifted it higher.
His eye glanced in the direction of Severus Snape, noticing the mans mouth twitch only slightly.
The man appeared to be quite amused in the situation.
The whole hall went slightly silent as the two continued to argue of Ron's eating habits.
Harry rolled his eyes before merely snapping his fingers, causing the two to immediately stop their argument and go back to their dinner.
No one quite knew why they listened, or cared enough to ever ask Harry or them, and it had become normal for Harry to defuse the situation.
Harry had just finished his book and stood, Ron and Hermione standing directly afterwards.
They followed him to the doors and out the great hall, dismissing themselves from their barely eaten dinner to apperate to Riddle Manor.
Harry had made sure to slowly change the hogwarts wards over the years, rendering him able to apperate through.
He noticed Snape and Malfoy appear a few minutes later as well.
"Bought time you showed up. Our lord was getting impatient." Fenrir Greyback said, as the five people took a seat at the table.
It had become a normal occurrence for the past year for them to have meals at Riddle Manor with the death eaters and Voldemort.
"My apologies, it seems we got a little side tracked." Harry hissed out the words in parseltongue, allowing Voldemort to be the only one capable of understanding him.
To which, Greyback groaned.
"Must you always show us you're better?"
Harry smirked.
"I don't need to show it. I know I'm better."
Harry ducked as the fork that was sent his way, dug itself deep into the wall behind his head.
"Missed me. I love you too, Fenrir!"
The werewolf rolled his eyes and started eating.
Voldemort chuckled slightly.
"You never disappoint, Potter."
Harry rolled his eyes and groaned this time.
"Harry. How many times do I have to beg you to call me Harry?" He hissed at Voldemort.
"With all due respect, I particularly like you're last name." 'But it'd sound better if you took mine', the unsaid words Voldemort refused to say went unnoticed by Harry as he started eating.
"So Draco,"
Harry paused as the boy looked up from his meal.
"Ginny Weasley Huh?" To which Draco spit out his pumpkin juice, making sure to get it all over Harry.
"Merlin, I hate you!" Draco shouted.
He had developed a small bit of admiration for Ginny Weasley, and regretfully told Harry seeing as they were actually good friends.
"Gee thanks. Now I'm all wet and you ruined my dinner. Not to mention my amusement and appetite." He hissed words got an eye roll from Draco and a slight barking laugh from the dark lord.
With a spell shot at him, Harry was then clean and his food was replaced.
"Thanks Bella!" He thanked Bellatrix.
"You're welcome, brat. If you're in a sour mood how will I get my amusement of you trying to feed Wormtail to Nagini?"
Harry laughed and Hermione rolled her eyes, before linking her hand with Bellatrix's on top of the table.
"Yes, dear. We know Harry entertains you. Now finish you're meal." Hermione said as she continued to eat.
Bellatrix went back to her food, not protesting as her girlfriend told her so.
"Those two should get a room. Wanna get out of here and go talk or something? I'm getting bored and we've both finished dinner." Harry hissed at Voldemort.
"I'd love to, brat. Come, we can discuss Albus' death." 'And supposedly get a room as is what it sounds like.'
Harry barked out in private laughter before grabbing Voldemort's hand and leading him to the mans office.
Voldemort blinked.
Had he said that out loud?

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