Chapter Forty-Two.

Start from the beginning

"We got this in the bag now, boys!" Drew shouts and that's when I look up at the time left in the game. Holy shit, there's only a minute left.

Talk about good timing.

I do find myself a little disappointed that the game is over already, though. These games are just flying by because of how fun and intense they get.

We head back to the bench, Casey leading the line as we bump fists with the rest of the guys on our team. When we sit back down, I shake my head with a chuckle of disbelief. I fucking love this feeling.

"I'd pay good money to see the girls right now," Casey says from beside me, nudging me with his shoulder.

"They're probably so drunk," I laugh along with him. Avery and Grace are having a girls night. And by that, I mean they're sleeping at Grace's apartment, getting wasted and doing other girl things. I don't know, I think Avery said they were going to watch old videos of One Direction or something.

But they also said they'd be watching our game, so that means they probably just downed a few shots at that goal.

I wish I could see it. I'm sure Casey and I will FaceTime them when we get back to the hotel, but still. I wish I was with her.

The Condors put up a good fight for the last minute of the game, but we still ended up winning. We're in a really good place to take this round, but I don't want to get myself too wrapped up. We still have a lot of work to do.


By the time we're done with press and showered, I am absolutely exhausted yet feel ready to go out and do it again. My body is heavy with fatigue and my muscles are sore from the game, but the adrenaline is still pumping through my veins. Another great thing about the playoffs is how well I sleep at night after a game.

We have about a half hour until we need to get on the bus back to the hotel, so there is no real rush when packing my things. Most of the team is still showering or getting ready, only Casey, Jack, and a few other guys in the dressing room as I get myself together.

I sit on the bench in front of my slot and pull out my phone for the first time, seeing that Avery had texted me.

Aves: what a STAR you are!! i'm so proud of you

Aves: i caught the gwg on my snapchat!! im so drunk!!

She also sent a photo of her and Grace, both of them raising their shot glasses up. Grace is behind her, obviously verbally cheering as her arm with the alcohol is raised in the air and her mouth is wide open. Aves is taking the picture, her eyes crinkled and grin spread as she laughs at whatever Grace is doing. I'm really fucking glad they have each other.

"Hey," I call over to Casey. He looks up from his bag and over to me with his brows raised. I just toss him my phone, which he catches once he drops the clothes he had in his hands. He turns it and looks at the photo, a laugh bubbling from his lips. "They're scary together."

"That's putting it nicely," I respond, catching the phone once he tosses it back. Jack now sits on the bench a few spots down, looking over to me. "When's your prom again?"

"Saturday," I respond absentmindedly as I text back Avery.

Finn: Jesus Christ

Finn: Be safe. I'll call you when I get to the hotel

I put my phone down, looking over to him. "And then graduation is a week from then."

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