Jimin wanted to ask about Seonghwa but she didn't know he was there when that incident happened so he swept the thought under the rug.

"Park Jimin, I told you to wait for me and you-" A guy with a deep voice yelled at Jimin but he stopped when he saw Tae Hee. "Seriously, Jimin?" The guy rolled his eyes at Jimin. He thought Jimin was flirting with someone.

Tae Hee looked back and forth from Jimin to the deep voice guy. The guy's hair is starlight in colour and it looked like it sparkled when the sun shone on it, just like his perfect handsome face. Tae Hee wouldn't be surprise if someone tells her that this guy come out straight from a manhwa because he's gorgeous.

"Oh, sorry, I almost forgot about my friend here." Jimin grinned at Tae Hee. He lied actually. Jimin was waiting for Taehyung to pay for his shoes when he saw Tae Hee. He followed her without hesitation and that's how he ended lining up behind her in a sandwich shop. "He's Taehyung, Jungkook's best friend as well. Tae this is Mina, Jungkook's fiancé."

"Oh, sorry I didn't recognise you." Taehyung scratched his nape.

"That's fine," Tae Hee smiled at him.

Taehyung took a seat besides Jimin and snatched his sandwich before he took a big bite of it. "Hey! Buy yourself a sandwich, mate!" Jimin grumbled and snatched back his sandwich.

"You left me suddenly and it took me hours to find you," Taehyung retorted.

"We went to that shop less than an hour ago." Jimin rolled his eyes.

Tae Hee watched both of them bickering and she let out a small laugh. She imagined it must be fun hanging out with them and they looked close. Probably they'd been friends since they were kids.

"We'd been friends since we were kids," Jimin said as if he can read what she's thinking. "We went to the same kindergarten and until university. I can't believe I'm still alive here after all those stupid things these guys had done."

"Jungkook was the one who broke Seokjin's mom expensive vase that she bought from Italy. I'm still surprise she didn't realise it's gone," Taehyung added. "If she did, all of us will not be here now. Maybe six feet under the ground."

"Jungkook is the most playful one when we were young. He broke one of his legs while we're skiing because he wanted to do that stupid stunt." Jimin shook his head when he remembered that horrible incident. They went on a holiday in France and they were forced to extend it for another 3 days because Jungkook need to stay in a hospital to get his treatment.

"He doesn't look like one," Tae Hee said.

"Well, he's indeed more mature now but he gave us a lot of headaches before," Jimin said. "The same goes to this guy here," he giggled and pointed at Taehyung. The latter frowned and mouthed 'whatever'. Taehyung took Jimin's Coke which he thought was an iced lemon tea and took a sip of it. He cringed as the carbonated drink got into his system.

"Oh." Jimin put up a finger as he remembered something. "We're hosting a party this weekend. Come and join us. You can bring your friends over too."

"Party?" Tae Hee imagined the rich people's party that she saw in a drama that Jihyo loves to watch. They are wearing expensive clothes, eat and drink expensive foods and liquors. There's an orchestra music plays in the background as some of the people dance with their partner to the rhythm.

The only party that she'd ever been was during her final year in university. Jihyo dragged her there and she said it's their senior year so they should enjoy before the final exam come. It was not an expensive party where people drink expensive liquors.

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