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Talking with Gramps had actually gone better than expected. He said he was okay with the idea as long as your brothers understood they had to pitch in too.

Hopefully this helps with the guys. I think they'll like the idea.

You hadn't replied to Sabo's text message yet and it was almost lunch time you'd called Perona about your "date" disaster. She laughed for a second and then asked if you wanted to talk about it later.

So here you were waiting for Perona. With the phone set to call Sabo. You were dreading the call. Delaying it wasn't going to make it better.

With a sigh you called your brother and he answered on the first ring.

"Y/N! I'm so happy you called! How did your sleepover go?"

....okay I did call Sabo right? He sounds way too happy...ah crap they did something.

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"You sound way too happy right now Sabo. So what happened?"

"Nothing! Nothing I swear I'm just happy you called. You left in such a hurry I thought you were still mad at us."

Taking a breath you calmed down before answering.

"Sabo I wasn't mad at all of you, I wasn't even that angry at Ace. I just didn't want to fight today, so I made breakfast woke you guys up and left. I had someone to meet today."


"You don't know him."

"Him?? You had a date?!"

A shit...

"Sabo I can promise that's not what it was."

"What the hell would you call it then?"

"Meeting new people? Seriously Sabo I didn't even get his number. He bugged out when he found out how old I am."

"How old was he?"

"I didn't ask. I would assume he's older than you and Ace by a few years."

You heard Sabo growl, he and Ace were always protective of you when it came to you dating or just meeting new guys in general. Poor Shaichi endured endless interrogations by your brothers. You were surprised when he still wanted to be your friend.

"What's his name Y/N?"

"Kamazo Killer."

You waited a few seconds.

"You're right I don't know that name. But anyway that's not why I wanted you to call me. We were all invited to Ace's boss' house for dinner tonight. Apparently Ace is doing really well at work, and he wants to meet all of us. Will you come? It would mean a lot to him."

"Of course I'll come. I may come in my scrubs though. If there's an emergency I won't be able to leave. As long as they understand that and don't take it out on Ace, I'll do my best to get there."

"Absolutely! I'll let them know! And can you try to call Ace before the dinner? You know how he is. He misses you, he was sad this morning at breakfast."

"I'll try. I will." You spotted Perona, "Hey Sabo, I'm gonna go eat now. Text me the address later and I'll meet you there."

"Got it love you."

"Love you too."


After your last class. You were walking to your car when you decided to dial Ace's number. After a few rings it went to voicemail.

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin