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“It’s Friday game night! Get your gay asses down here!” Toga shouted. Izuku, Shigaraki, Dabi, and Shinsou triped over eachother while running through the hallway.

“What are we playing this week?” Dabi asked. Toga grabbed 2 brand new bottles of whisky. “Let’s start with the drinking game.”

--Time skip--

Everyone was fairly hammered a few episodes in. “Manopoly!” Toga shouted as she grabbed 2 more shots and downed them. Everyone erupted in drunken cheer and stumbled over to a large booth.

“Dibs on the knife!” Deku shouted as he grabbed the knife character before anyone could blink. “I’m the hat.” Shinsou said, grabbing the hat. “Dog.” Dabi said. “Car.” Toga said. “Ha. Jokes on y’all. I have my own peace.” Shigaraki said while taking a small Kirby figure and slaming it on the board.

“FUCK!” Dabi shouted as he landded in the jail. “HA! Suck it!” Shigaraki said as he waved his ‘Get out of jail free’ card in Dabi’s face. Deku, Shinsou, and Toga were dying of laughter. “Why you,” Dabi started as he hopped out of his seat and tackled Shigaraki.

Shigaraki himself was too drunk to dodge and fell to the ground. He opened his eyes to Dabi trying to get up but tripped on his jacket, landing face first on the floor. Deku and Shinsou bouth erupted further into laughter. Toga laughed for a minute then passed out on the floor beneath the table.

The remaining 4 continued playing Manopoly, raiding Togas cash. They each passed out pretty soon after Toga though, Deku, Dabi, Shinsou, then Shigaraki.

--Time skip--

Deku was the first to wake up. He had a pounding headach. “Son of a bitch.” He said, rubbing his head. “Are you ok?” Deku jumped at the voice but calmed down when he saw Kirogiri. “Yeah. Just a hangover.” Kirogiri pulled out a water and 2 hangover pills.(I dont fuckin know) Deku walked over and took them gratefully. He mumbled a thanks and downed the 2 pills and water. “Sometimes I’m glad you never want to participate in game night.” Deku laughed, rubbing his head.

The others woke up slowly after an hour. “Ugg. What time is it?” Shisnou groaned, sitting up. Deku checked his phone, “12:34” Shinsou nodded and walked over to the bar where there were 2 pills set out for him.

About 30 minutes later Deku got a text.

Mina- Hey everyone. I’m having a sleepover at my place tonight. Who’s in?

Momo- Me

Ochaco- Me

Tokoyami- Sure

Asui- Sounds fun

Denki- Yeah

Midoriya- I’m in

Everyone continued to talk for a while, blowing up Dekus phone so much he shut it off. “What’s that about?” Shinsou asked, pointing to the phone. “Mina is having a sleepover. I’m going.” Shinsou nodded. “When?” “3” Deku sighed. “Jesus. That's a long sleepover.” Shisnou scoffed. Deku agreed before leaning over the bar to grab two beers, offering one to Shinsou, who declined. Deku shrugged and popped the beer open.

--Time skip--

Deku walked to the adress Mina gave him and checked his phone, “3:09.” He whispered. Sighing, Deku walked up to the door and knocked.

The door opened to Mina. “Hey Midoriya. Come in.” She said happily as she waved him in.

I'm back. Gonna do slow updates. If y'all have any ideas, please comment, I would love you.

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