After death

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Deku was on the roof of his school. “Maybe he’s right.” He sat up there watching the people walk bye, they looked like ants. Deku sighed, he couldn't jump. What would his mom do? She loved him so dearly. Deku took one last look down and sighed. He stood up and- Slipped. He slipped. Izuku was rather quick to accept his death. His only regret was leaving his mom.

At that time Bakugou was walking out of the school, his school bag slung over his shoulder. He made it a full 18 feet away from the school until he heard a sickening thud from behind him. He almost barfed just hearing it. The body and bones being crushed under gravity. Bakugou froze. He didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. The kid he bullied since he was 5. The kid who always stuck around him, like glue. The kid who always tried to help. Bakugou slowly turned around. What he saw sent a guilty feeling through his whole body. His knees gave out and he crumpled to the ground. (Feel guilty you jackass)

There, on the ground, was Izuku. His body was broken beyond repair, blood coming out of every limb he has. Bakugou's breathing hitched. His eyes stung with tears and his hands trembled. He quickly pulled out his phone and through blurry eyes he typed 119 (The japans 911) and was about to press the call button when he looked up. Deku was gone. The only indication that he was there was the puddle of blood that he made. Bakugou sat there, staring at the puddle for maybe 30 minutes. He didn’t move and rarely blinked. Suddenly his phone rang. Bakugou swiftly snapped out of his trance as tears ran down his face. Through a shaky voice he answered. “Yeah?” He said, trying to sound as confident as possible. “Yeah. I’m coming.” He got up and wiped the tears from his face, only to have new ones cover it. He took one last glance at the blood and slowly walked home. He decided on not telling his mom and to wait for her to tell him about Dekus disappearance.

Deku woke up on a black bed. He looked around and took in the room. It was black with blue flames painted along the ceiling. There was a chair or two and a small shelf with a pack of microwavable Soba. He looked at the door which was mildly scorched, next to it was a photo. The photo had 6 people in it. One was a women who had white hair and grey eyes, she was holding a young boy who was 4 or 5 at least, he had white and red hair, it was split down the middle and he had one grey eye and one blue, there was another boy with all white hair and blue eyes, as well as 2 siblings who both looked about 15-17 years old, one had red hair and blue eyes while the other had mostly white hair with red streaks and grey eyes. Beside them was a big man in a suit, he wore a fire print tie but his face was ripped out. Deku made a mental image of the photo thinking it may be important for some reason. On the ground next to the door was Dekus' school bag. He gasped and looked down. “Aren't I supposed to be dead?” He mumbled. He looked over his body finding not even a scrape. He sighed and got up. He realized he was in his boxers. He shrieked and looked around, there was a neatly folded black hoodie and a pair of baggy pants. He grabbed them and put them on. Deku decided to try to find out where he was and opened the door. The door led out to a hallway with more doors. He paused and heard voices down the hallway and walked towards them.

He came into what looked like a bar. He scanned the area, there were 4 others in the room. (Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, and Kurogiri) Kurogiri was the first to notice Deku in the doorway. “Good Morning. Would you like some water?” Deku hesitantly nodded as he walked slowly towards the bar with the other 3 watching him. He sat 2 seats away from Shigaraki. “Here you are.” Izuku nodded and drank the water. “How are you feeling? You took quite a fall.” Kurogiri asked as Deku finished his water. He paused, “I feel… fine. What happened? Who are you?” He asked, concerned for his safety. “I am Kurogiri,” Kurogiri said pointing to himself, “That's Tomora Shigiraki, that's Himiko Toga, and that’ Dabi.” He said pointing at each of them. “We found you on the ground outside of a school and took you here, healed you, and waited for you to wake up.” Deku solemnly nodded, “Why did you help me? I’m a quirkless nobody.” He said, whispering the last part. But Shigaraki and Kurogiri heard him. Shigaraki moved to the seat next to Deku. “Do you want a quirk?” Deku paused at this. “I mean yeah, but-” “Would you become a villain?” Deku paused. He thought about heros, then he thought about Kachann, how he was going to be a hero, how mean he is, how his whole class wanted to be heros and what they did. Then a question popped into his head. “What do heroes do? How many people have they really cared for? Was it all a show?” He calmed down and collected his thoughts. “Yes. Yes I would. What have heros ever done that wasn’t for fame or money?” He stated. Shigaraki smiled, “Good. Now, about your quirk.”

Hey everyone. I may have slow updates. Im still not sure. But heres this. Its not going to be ships unless y'all want it to be. See y'all next time
-Dumbass Author

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