The news

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“Izuku sweety. The UA letter came in the mail.” Inko slowly opened the door. Deku was at his computer researching the new heroes that appeared recently. He turned around and got out of his chair. “Thanks mama.” He said as she handed the envelope to Deku. She stayed in the room since she wanted to see if he got in first hand. Deku opened the envelope and a hologram fell out. It turned on and an image of All Might popped up. Deku did all he could not to try punching it in the face since his mom was in the room.

“I AM HERE, AS A HOLOGRAM!” Deku rolled his eyes, “Young Midoriya, in the written exam you got a 100%.” All Might disappeared and the exam papers came up. Inko was by Dekus door almost in tears. She was so proud of her son already for getting a perfect score on his written exam. The test disappeared and All Might came back on, “On the physical you scored 100 points.” Deku rolled his eyes. “Of course I did.” He thought. “But, you saved another examani. Due to your heroics you were rewarded 100 rescue points. Giving you a total of 300 points. Congratulations! You have made it into UA. Your school uniform will come in the mail in maybe a week or so with more information. You are on your way to becoming a great hero.” Deku almost laughed, “I’ll see you in school and have a PLUS ULTRA DAY! HA HA HA!” The hologram shut off. Inko was ecstatic that her son got into his dream school. “My baby! I’m so proud of you!” She said as she hugged Deku. “You should go tell your friends.” She said as she let him go. “I’ll make dinner. If you want they can come over finally.” Inko really wanted to meet these friends her son always hung out with. Yet Deku has never brought them over. “Okay. I’ll go tell them.” Deku's face showed extreme accomplishment, why shouldn't it? He just got into his dream school. But no, that accomplishment was for the league. He did it. This job was a huge thing, and he was going to nail it.

Deku walked into the bar and Kurogiri tossed him a beer. “So?” Shigaraki asked without turning around from his spot at the bar. “See for yourself.” Deku said as he tossed the hologram to Shigaraki while he opened his beer. Shigaraki caught it with 4 fingers and opened it. Deku was leaning against the wall drinking his beer while the others watched the hologram. He spotted Shinsou at a boot working on his mask (The one from his costume. It's the same.) Deku decided to talk to him. I mean like, he was going to be working with the guy. He should get to know him.

“Hey.” Deku said as he sat next to the purple haired insomniac. “Your Shinsou, right?” “Yeah. Your Midoriya, correct?” He said back as he put his mask down. Deku nodded, “You can call me Deku.” He said as he stuck his hand out. Shinsou grabbed it and shook it. “Nice to meet you. I don’t think I’ve heard of you before.” “Oh! That isn’t my villain name, it’s just a nickname.” Shinsou cocked his head. “What’s your villain name?” He asked, now really curious. “I’m The Rabbit.” Deku said with a wide innocent smile. Shinsou froze for a second, “Wait! YOUR The Rabbit?! As in THE Rabbit.” By this time the hologram was finished and the league were talking amongst themselves. “Guilty.” Deku said, still smiling. “You're like, my favorite villain. I can’t believe I actually got to meet you.” Shinsou said, smiling brightly. Deku blushed, he wasn’t used to getting compliments. Especially since only the league knew his real identity. “Thanks.” Deku said. He looked at the mask on the table. “What are you working on?” He asked while pointing at it. “Oh! My quirk lets me control people who talk back to me. Like if I ask a question I can make them do something for a while. Right now I’m putting a frequency changer in it connected to a few nobbs so I can change the sound of my voice when I’m against someone who knows my quirk.” He explained. “That's cool. Does your quirk work over earpieces for phones?” Deku asked. “Not that I know of. I thought once I get into UA I can go to Tech Support and get them to build something that could help.” Deku nodded in deep thought. “Can I see your villain outfit?” Shinsou was surprised but went with it, “Sure. One second.” “Put it on then come to my room. It's the one at the far right of the hallway.” Shinsou nodded and went to put on his outfit.

Shinsou walked up to the door labeled Deku. He walked in and looked around the room. He saw Deku on the bed and walked over. “Hey.” Deku looked up. Shinsou had on a black dress shirt with dress pants and a purple tie. “Have you actually ever gone out and done anything as a villain?” Deku asked as he got up and gestured to Shinsou to follow him. “Well, no.” Shinsou said as he followed Dekhu to another room. It was full of clothes, weapons, and masks. “Do you have a villain name?” Deku asked, “I was thinking Puppeteer.” Deku paused and thought for a second. “I’ll be right back. Stay here.” Deku walked out of the room and went to the others. “Shigaraki. Can I talk to you super quick. It will only be a minute.” Shigaraki nodded and walked with Deku. “I was thinking. Shinsou is going to be another spy in UA, correct?” Shigaraki nodded. “So we should give him another quirk. He got in UA on a recommendation from Eraser and he definitely knows Shinso quirk. He can’t use it as a villain.” Shigaraki nodded, “I’ll talk to the master about it.” “Thanks HandyMan.” Deku laughed as Shigaraki punched him.

“Hey Shinsou.” Shinsou turned around and said to Deku, “Yeah?” “I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house tonight.” Shinsous face lit up. “Sure.” He tried to sound calm and cool but his eyes were shining. “Let’s get going then.”

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