Chapter 20:Not Again!

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|Kayla POV|

I'm so glad im getting out the hospital today.Ive been tired of laying in his hospital bed.I was told that I'm gonna have major pains when I get out the bed and start walking around.I settled on trying to get myself up on my own since Chris didn't show yet.I struggled to get up hissing in pain.My lower area ached badly and the way I was moving causes more pain.I heard the door open and it was the nurse.She helped me into wheel chair.I scrapped my foot against the door.


I was sitting outside for 30 minutes and Chris still never came.I decided to call Ayanna.She came without a doubt and helped me and now I'm at home waiting for Ayanna to return.She was going to see why Chris didn't come get me from the hospital.I could've used his help at this time the most and he still hasn't appeared.Malaysia wasn't a crying baby but she wasn't a quiet one either.She barely ever cried but when she did it was loud.

"Kayla" Ayanna muttered coming up the stairs

"Yeah" I said looking at her

"...I'm going home" Ayanna said grabbing her things

"Wait..what happened with Chris?" I asked

" don't wanna know" Ayanna mumbled

"..he's fucking some girl isn't he" I muttered looking down holding back the tears that begin to form

".i-..I'm sorry Kay...I know you really thought your relationship was going somewhere but he messed it up"

"...I'll talk to you later" I said turning around.


I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the bathroom.I was having so many different thoughts going on in my head like,:

'Am I not pretty enough'

'Does he even care?'

'Was having his baby a mistake?!'

'why am I so dumb'

'I'm technically a relationship wrecker'

'I hate myself'

I just didn't know what was going on right now.I could barely think straight.I wanted to get things off my mind but it's hard when you have to look his daughter straight in the eyes EVERYDAY.Im not like I use to be since I met Chris.My self esteem has been lowered entirely,life sucks for me.I can't believe he's doing this shit again..I can't do this not another damn time I won't.I was interrupted by the loud wails coming from Malaysia's room.I slowly walked out the bathroom and made my way into her room and picked her up.I just smiled brushing her curly hair back with my hands.I just couldn't help but think of chris while looking into her eyes...I bursted into tears and then I couldn't controll it.I held her close and let the tears flow.I got myself together but that didn't last long at all.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this...I'll make it better baby" I sniffed

She wiggled her little foot and she put her hand on my arm.I smiled and walked into my room and seen Chris.I snarled in disgust and grabbed my phone.

"Leave" I demanded "just go!"

"Lemme see my child" he said getting up trying to take her out my arms.

"Noooo!" I shouted tugging trying to keep my daughter out his hands.

I felt a hard slap across the face and I fell.I looked up and seen a side of him I've never in my life seen before...I don't know what's going on but I don't like this's obvious he's turning into a man beater...this isn't the first time he's put his hands on me but this time it was serious.



Side Chick ( Re-editing )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt