Chapter 14:Showers

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|Kayla POV|
"Kayla I didn't mean to hurt you" Chris whined getting on his knees

"I don't care anymore Chris...your not my man and I'm not your girl so does it really matter to you Chris" I questioned

"I don't know Kayla" he mumbled "I don't know"

"You never know Chris" I said throwing my hands up and walking away
"Kayla do you always have to overreact"he asked

"I'm not doing anything Chris,I said I don't care so just leave it alone" I said and walked upstairs.

Chris fucked Jessie last night and what's even worse is that I walked in on them.I didn't lay in that bed not after all that shit.Im sleeping in the guest room because when I walk in that room that's all I think of.Im trying to act like I don't care when deep down I do.I mean I could careless what he does because he isn't mine.Im not his so the only things keeping him with me is the baby and paparazzi.

I think he's mixed with his emotions right now,he can never make up his mind about anything now.

|Chris POV|

Ok so last night marked the 5th time I fucked Jessie since the divorce.I can't exactly say I love Kayla because I'm not at the point yet.

"Veto" I said through the phone eating a hot Cheeto.

"Wassup" Veto replied

"Ok I need advice" I sighed

"That's the only thing you ever call me for" Veto laughed

"I know I know" I chuckled "but I fucked Jesse last the the same bed me and Kayla sleep in and the bad part is that she walked in on us"

"Damn Chris how many times am I gonna tell yo' light skin ass!" Veto practically yelled through the phone

"What the hell you yelling for" I said scrunching my nose

"You keep fucking with her emotions Chris! She ain't a damn book you can't put her on the shelve and bring her out when you want her...she's a human and has feelings just like you do" Veto Said

"I know that veto,I'm not trying to play her I'm it ready to have a relationship I wanna be able to fuck with more than one girl and she not gonna allow me to do that if we together" I shrugged

"Nigga what girl is gonna allow that shit?" Veto said

"I don't know shit" I shrugged

"You need to pray or maybe talk ta' ya' mama bout it" Veto sighed

"She the last person I need to tell about this" I mumbled "bye"

I hung up the phone and sat it on the table.I didn't know what to do so I called Nia.She knows Kayla better than anyone

"Hello Chris" Nia said through the phone

"Ok so I know you gonna hate me after this but I fucked my ex wife last night,in me and Kayla bed and she walked in on us"

"Your retarded as fuck Chris" Nia laughed "I'm not mad at you...y'all ain't even together but I'm a little disappointed because I thought you two were reaching the climax in you guys relationship"

"How you think she feels" I asked

"She might say she doesn't care but that's a lie" Nia laughed "she cares about you and you know she has that little soft spot full of emotions"
"Thanks...I'll see ya later " I said and hung up the phone
|Kayla POV|

"Please don't make me fall" I whined

Nia wasn't exactly letting me open my eyes.She had me blindfolded and walking into some house.

"Congratulations" everyone yelled

I smiled and turned around and seen Chris smiling and he walked over and hugged me from behind.

"Everyone enjoy" Nia yelled and walked away

"Thanks" I said

"Nia planned it all by her self" he said

"Impressive and I take it blue was requested by you"I smirked

"Yeah I can tell blue will be her favorite color" he smiled

"Your not that's so fucking raven Chris" I laughed "you can't see the future"

"Says who" he laughed

"Me and your daughter" I laughed

"You don't know nothing girl" he laughed while kissing my cheek

"Let's cut the cake" Nia smile

Me and Chris walked over to the table and grabbed a knife and he held onto my hand and he cut the cake.

"Woooo" they yelled

"Congratulations" I heard a familiar voice say

I turned around and it was exactly who I thought it was QUAN.
I immediately snapped

"Who invited him" I snapped

"Kayla chill" Chris said dapping him " I did"

"No don't dap that nigga get out" I demanded "I don't want you here"

"I'm your brother...your daughters niece I think I have the right to be here" Quan chuckled

"Your not my child's uncle and your no brother of mine! I don't need you and haven't needs you for 5 years so I damn sure don't need you know....I don't want you here,especially since I know what your capable of and I don't have time for you leave" I warned "if you don't leave now I'm telling you Ray'Quan Dwayne Bratson I will literally fight you"

He sucked his teeth and tucked his bottom lip in his mouth.."ok I'm gone"
We had just finished taking our final pictures and we were cleaning up

"Nia whose house is this" I asked

"My dad's" She smiled

"Oh Mr.Jones! Your father a pimp" I laughed

"I know he need to stop" she laughed

"You ready?" Chris asked

"Uhh yeah" I said

"Nia I'll be in the back" Sean (p.diddy) winked

"Ok I'll be back in a sec" she smiled

"Nasty asses let's go" I suggested
"Gosh that party wore me out" I whined getting in the bed.

I still haven't slept in the same bed as Chris.Its some night I'm like suck it up and go it's just a bed he washed the bed and sheets just to make me come back but I decided to be a stubborn ass.Im not gonna do it anymore

I stood up and turned off the light and wobbled to Chris room and opened the door and heard the shower so I just closes the door and got on my side and got comfortable.

10 minutes later the shower stopped.I seen Chris come out and he was fully dressed.He looked at me and smiled.

"I see you came back" he winked

"Yeah I hate sleeping alone...I rather be snuggled up with you" I yawned
"Your sleepy so come on" he said turning off the light and getting in bed and wrapping his arms around me.

"I had a Blast tonight" I yawned

"I did too baby" he said "go to sleep"

"Ok" I said closing my eyes "I was just waiting on you t say the word"
"Goodnight" he said kissing my forehead and cheek and rubbing my belly "my two little babies"

"Night Chrissy" I said

"Night baby" he said closing his eyes
Them baby shower picture was bomb.

She had to cuss Quan ass out AGAIN! He just doesn't get enough
Nia threw the bomb ass baby shower.Sean is p.diddy since Cassie dates him she should date him in the story too.

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