CH. 1 - EP 2: SNAKE

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"Y/n were have you been?! You made me seriously worried! What if something happened to you?" Rias said, leaning against her desk. She was angry, and that's not something you want to experience, but her anger was justified after you disappeared for entire the weekend.

"I'm fine," Y/n said. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt and his hands were in his pockets. Unknown to Rias and everyone else, both of Y/n's hands were bandaged, all the way up to his elbows. "I needed some space and went fishing. Nothing more, nothing less."

The door opened and revealed Asia and Issei. "You called, President?"

'Great...' I thought.

"I did," Rias said and walked over to them. "We have to take care of a Stray Devil. Akeno, Yuuto, Y/n and Koneko are already there." Akeno smiled at Issei and created a magic circle.

"I can't go," Y/n said and looked away.

Rias gave him a questioned look. "What do you mean you can't go?"

"If I go now, I will only be an disability in the fight." Y/n said. "And I don't really feel like fighting tonight."

"We'll talk about this later," Rias said. She said this in her normal voice, but everyone knew it was far from normal. She stepped into the magic circle with her back turned towards him. Y/n didn't said anything and just looked on as they disappeared. He opened the door and walked home.

Unknown to him, Sona was watching him from far away.


"That's gonna be 1100 Yen," The cashier said. Y/n took his money out and paid for the groceries and walked out of the shop. It was a windy night in Kuoh. There weren't many people outside. He was walking home and it became slightly dark. Y/n felt like someone was following him. He turned around but no one was there.

He looked around and noticed where he was; it was the park where Issei got killed by his girlfriend.

Y/n sat down on one of the benches and just relaxed for a moment. Even if he didn't showed Y/N was kind of depressed. He loved Rias, but she had feelings for Issei, same for Akeno, but in this world, you are a no one without power. He took off the bandages of his hands and examined the wounds. They still had bruises but not as many as before. He tried to close his hands, but winced in pain.

'It's healing slower than I expected,' he thought.

His phone started ringing. He took it out to see who was calling and it was Rias. Y/N was about to answer it, but decided to let it ring. Shortly after 30 seconds it stopped ringing. "I should probably head home," He said to himself, stood up from the bench and walked home.

Y/n opened his door and walked in. It wasn't a very stuffed apartment. The most necessary things were present, it was enough for a 25.000 Yen apartment. He placed the groceries on the kitchen counter and started preparing his meal. His hands were almost completely healed, which made it easier for him to cut the vegetables properly. After he finished cooking his meal, he ate it and washed off his plate. Y/n wasn't a lazy person, he was a very disciplined one. After all, he lived with no other than Velenana Gremory.

Y/n sat down on his couch and started to read a book. After a while he closed the book and went to bed. He took off his clothes except for his underwear and went to bed.


"Why do we need to meet up in the club room?" Issei asked, walking beside Asia and Y/n. "I don't know," Asia said. They arrived in the club room and were met with five familiar faces.

"Y/n," Grayfia said and looked at him. "It's been a while since you have visited us back in the Underworld."

"Indeed," Y/n said and walked towards the back of the room. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. Suddenly flames erupted from a bright magic circle and an another familiar face appeared. "It's been a while since Riser went to the human world." Riser said. "There is Riser's beautiful wife," Riser said, and sat down beside Rias on the couch. He put a arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

"Wife?!" Issei blurred out. "There is no way, that Rias is your wife!"

"Dear Rias, you haven't told your Peerage yet?" Riser asked her.


"Rias is Riser's fiancé, Issei," Y/n said. Riser turned around and noticed Y/n standing in the back of the room. "She's been engaged with Riser since they were little. Its a famous household thing."

"It's been a while Y/n," Riser said.

"Thankfully," Y/N responded. He didn't hate Riser, but he didn't liked him either. Y/n couldn't talk smack to him because he was way weaker than Riser.

"How many times do I have to say it, I won't marry you, Riser! I will marry someone I love!" Rias said and moved away from Riser.

"Rias, our family's have reached an agreement. It's for our future as pure-blooded Devils." Riser said.

"I have an offer for Rias from Sirzechs personally," Grayfia interrupted. "Since your try to sleep with the Red Dragon Emperor was prevented by me, Sirzechs told me that your last chance to break off the engagement is by defeating Riser in a Rating Game. He knew that something like this would have happened."

'Rias wanted to sleep with him?!' Y/n shouted mentally.

Suddenly Y/n phone rang and everyone looked at him. He took it out and saw that Azazel was calling him. He decided not to tell them who was calling him and picked it up.

"What do you want?" Y/n said.

"Y/n! I haven't heard from you since our last meeting. I hope I am not interrupting anything important."

"No," Y/n said and looked at Rias. "Nothing important."

"Good, I have someone you might want to meet. He definitely wants to meet you."

"And who is it?"

"Vali, the White Dragon Emperor."


Rias has been given 10 days to train for her first Rating Game against Riser, since she was less experienced and weaker than Riser. Y/n grew even colder towards them, since he heard that Rias was willing to give up her virginity to Issei. His meeting with Azazel and Vali was postponed after the Rating Game.

Grayfia asked him, who the person was that was speaking to him and since Y/n couldn't openly admit that he was friends with the Governor of the Fallen Angels, he told them that it was a friend he met during his fishing trip. Suddenly he was ripped out of his thoughts by a complaining Issei.

"Why couldn't we just teleport?" He asked, panting. He was carrying a big bag, but both Yuuto and Koneko carried even more heavier bags than him.

"It's to improve your stamina, Issei~" Akeno giggled.

Issei blushed and continued to climb even more faster than before. Shortly after, they all arrived at a huge mansion. The mansion was surrounded by a big forest and a water source. it was one of many mansions that the Gremory posses and this one in particular was build for training.

"We will meet in 15 minutes here again," Rias said. "You have time to settle in your rooms, before we start our training."

Y/n grabbed his bag and went towards his room. He opened the door, placed his bag on the bed. He walked up to the window and looked out, spectating the beautiful sky. After a couple of minutes, Y/n changed in some black sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He closed the door behind him, and went downstairs to meet the others.

"Alright since everyone gathered here, we can begin our training!" Rias said.

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