Eventually we reach and I gasp in awe as we enter through the gates. A spacious lawn stretches out around the house and is fenced in with the same wood that has been used to build the house. There's a large patio and I can see another cabin at the back with a stable and barn nearby. Glancing to the side I see a pen with horses of different color and size trotting about.

"Wow, your house is beautiful!" I smile as I get out of the car.

"Thank you, dear. Come in and I'll show you around!" Michelle grins excitedly before taking my hand and guiding me towards the front door. "Has Roman told you about us?"

"Yes, he has." I smile as she shows me the interior of the house.

"Great! This is Theodore, my third oldest." Michelle introduces me to the light green eyed, brown haired man that just walked in after we came back to the sitting room.

"Hi, I'm Elena." I shake his hand and he smiles at me.

"Nice to meet you, Elena." He grins but confusion flickers in his eyes as he glances towards his parents.

"Oh, Roman has been keeping her locked up in his house! Can you believe that boy?!" She huffs with a shake of her head. "We found her today when we were in Houston and brought her back with us."

"Uh...are you guys dating? Never thought he'd keep his girlfriend locked up." He chuckles as takes a seat on the couch.

"Ugh I wish, but no. I was helping him catch a serial killer but I got injured and Roman won't let me out anymore." I explain and watch as Theo nods in understanding.

"You're interested in my son?" Michelle asks in excitement as the men just glance at each other with smirks.

"Yeah but he's very serious, it took me a while to crack him." I nod jokingly.

"Let me introduce you to my daughters-in-law..." Michelle grins as she takes a seat beside me before pulling out her phone.

"Oh, I can't wait for Roman to get here!" Theo snickers under his breath.


A few hours later after talking to both Ella and Zoe on a video call I meet Noah Jackson, the youngest brother. He's fifteen years old and has blonde hair like Michelle and light green eyes like Theo. He's a total sweetheart and we end up bonding over video games before he leaves do his homework. Then, in walks the devil with steam coming out of his ears.

"Oh, look everybody! It's Roman!" Theo declares before chuckling when Roman glares murderously at him.

"Elena." He utters angrily with his jaw clenched. "Didn't I tell you not to leave the house?"

Michelle comes up behind him and swats the back of his head with a rolled-up newspaper. "What's this I hear about you keeping your girlfriend locked up?! I didn't raise you to treat a woman this way Roman Jackson!"

"We're not dating yet, ma!" He rubs the back of his head as she walks over to me with a huff.

"Yet?" I wiggle my brows teasingly.

"More grand-babies!" Michelle cheers happily from beside me.

"Yes!" I jokingly high five her and Roman face palms himself.

"Come on, we're going home." He waves me over and I pout as I trudge across the room to him.

"At least stay for dinner?" Evan asks as he walks out of the kitchen.

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