Chapter 8: Jennifer April the real me

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Special chapter get to know Jennifer no dialogue just a Biography

So Sebastian and I decided to take a little trip to the upper east side of Manhattan just for two days I've always like this part of Manhattan so fancy and I love the buildings we had to take taxis because is really hard to drive there we spend most of the time just wondering around and me for example took like a hundred pictures of places I recognized of gossip girl, yeah I'm actually not kidding. Anyway I've had a lot of fun with Sebastian, and the best part is the kissing oh god is so god his lips are so soft, OK, you're right you are probably saying but Jen? Is not about that, yeah I know he is amazing but his kissing is just dreamy wow OK. So that was our weekend a lot of kissing taking pictures and a little more.

We were now back home and Sebastian wasn't here strange right, I'm all used to him being here with me, but no he's not he had to be with his family. So I guess I have the house to myself, and I did not know what to do so why I thought we should get to know each other a little better, why not right?

I grabbed a notebook and a pen and wrote as a title


So my name is Jennifer April Vandyke, I'm 17 years old and my birthday is April 7, 1997. Trough the years I haven't really settled, with something or someone, I was a really isolated person during my childhood, I had a lot of anxiety and believe me I still do but I'm really good at hiding it. People don't really think of me of a depressed person, I mean I have a great family, and it has a lot of money, yes my parents are divorced, and yes I have an annoying sister whom I cannot stand, but I don't know when I'm actually happy, but there's this things that come along and destroys my happiness, I go back again to my little black hole and I just feel the need to do something to myself. So you are probably wondering what made me hate Sebastian so much, so here it is, at the age of 15 is where Sebastian started getting bad, in a way that he took drugs 15 years old people!, he started getting drunk and high, and he couldn't go to his house like that so he always came to me, my parents where gone most of the time and my older brother who is now 26 watched over me, I don't see him a lot because is in California where my dad lives now, anyways Sebastian, that behavior was so awful I just couldn't allow this, so I spoke up to Sebastian and told him that he had to stop, my parents even found some cigarettes that he once dropped and thought it was mine, and I got in a lot of trouble, could you imagine if he lost something else in my house, so Sebastian stopped coming to my house and for like 2 months later he was gone and that bastard didn't even say goodbye to me, in someways I really was thankful that he was gone, I thought something could change but no, it just got worst, a lot worst, my parents started fighting more, until the day my mother cheated on my father, and that's why they got s divorced even tho they would have gotten it anyways, school got harder because my mother started drinking and I had to stay to watch over her, so I just kind of gave up on everything else, I stopped taking things so serious, I wanted to be more like Sebastian, fearless, careless, and kind of crazy, I wanted to make myself more available, I started dressing differently and loosing weight, and boys started to notice me, couple of months later I met this amazing guy named Steven, we dated we liked each other and I lost my virginity to him, and that relationship ended like in one month I was sad but I think it was a great first time, and some of that made me loosen up a little bit, I started being more confident and don't get me wrong it wasn't the sex or anything, some people want to wait, and I thought about it , I wanted to wait but I was so messed up and thought that in some way it would help me and it did, for a while, then I started going back to my little back hole, I started feeling alone again, depression kicked back in that's I think it was on summer when I was awful, I started with self harm, I gained weight so I started skipping meals and I just wasn't alright, I told my mother that I wanted to go over California to visit my dad and my brother, and I went there, and seeing my dad for the first time made me so happy and even happier. When I spend time with my brother and dad, I realized that I shouldn't be doing those horrible things that I have been doing to my self, my brother helped me a lot he was always there for me, to this day I just think of all the people that are there for me, and now I have a very special person in my life, and I really want the relationship with me and Sebastian to work out and I've always thought he was a good person but he just didn't belive that and it also made me realize that I need him to be here with me.

I hear my cellphone ring and I picked it up.

"yes " I said

"Jennifer, is Sebastian he has been in an accident"

"what? What happened? Is he OK?"

"I don't know, just come over here, please"

"I'm on my way"

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