Court and Lessons

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Euthilia P.O.V.
Today was the day. Court. I hadn't ever spoken or seen Neither Joelles mother or her mother's boyfriend. Which is probably a good thing. I want to beat the absolute hell out of both of them. Ro was very tense. I could tell. We had taken a shower together and he still wasn't relaxed. Which I didn't blame him. He was nervous. Roman was dressed sexy as usual.

I was dressed professionally but yet still sexy

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I was dressed professionally but yet still sexy.

While Ro was getting paper work and things together I walked to Jojo's room

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While Ro was getting paper work and things together I walked to Jojo's room. I knocked on the door softly. "El? Can I come in?" I asked and heard her reply with a soft yes. I opened the door and smiled seeing her standing in the outfit I picked out for her.

 I opened the door and smiled seeing her standing in the outfit I picked out for her

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I walked and and she turned looking up at me. Her eyes tearing up. "Ohh sweety what's wrong?" I asked and she walked over hugging me. "I'm scared. What I've Ive gotta live with them?" She asked sobbing. "Sweetheart there's no way. I promise you. This case is all put together. They are going to jail either way." I said and she nodded softly. I hugged her tightly rubbing her back. "Your dad is not gonna like how grown up you loooook." I said in a high pitch tone and she giggled. I wiped her tears away and picked her up. "Don't worry alright? Nothing will go wrong I promise. When it's done we'll go get ice cream ok?" I said and she nodded. Over the passed couple of weeks she has gotten back to normal health. Almost all her bruises are healed. But she gets nightmares. She always wants to come and cuddle with me because I make her feel better. Which makes me happy but I get worried that she won't ever stop getting nightmares. Anyway, I picked her up bringing her downstairs and Roman was packing some snacks for Joelle Incase she gets hungry. He finished and turned around with a big smile. "My girls. You look beautiful." He said walking over and hugging us tightly. "You look twice your age missy but I'll let it slide today." He said with a wink making El giggle. "Are we ready to go?" Ro asked with a soft sigh and I nodded. "El could you do me and your daddy a favor and bring this out to the car real quick? I've gotta straighten his tie for him." I said with a soft smile and she nodded grabbing the cooler Ro had in his hand as I set her down on her feet. She skipped out the door. Ro looked down at his tie. "It's not straight?" He said and I chuckled. "It is. You need to relax. You are terrible at hiding that you're tense. It will rub off on El. She's already nervous." I said rubbing his shoulders and he relaxed softly. "I just I'm nervous. What if they say I didn't do anything about it so I'm at fault?" He said and I sighed. "Baby... she didn't tell you and you didn't think you needed to ask her because you thought you could trust them. They can't charge you for not knowing." I said rubbing his cheek softly. "You've got your shit together. You got solid evidence. You've got me as a witness. You've got a damn good lawyer. And you've got a whole family support you. Most important you've got a daughter who loves you more than anything and wants nothing more than to live with you. Don't be worried." I said and he closed his eyes and sighed. "You are right." He said making me smile. "Oh I know." I said with a giggle making him smile. "You look so hot FYI." He said rubbing my hips making me smirk. "Yeah? You don't look to bad yourself." I said with a wink as he hummed leaning forward and connecting his lips with mine. "You look like a hot teacher." He said and I giggled. "Well maybe later I can give you a private lesson." I said with a smile and he raised his brows. "I'd love that Ms. Reigns, you know I'm struggling with this unit in health class. "Mrs.Reigns hm? I like the sound of that. And of course I'll give you a private lesson." I said and he smiled widely. "Looking forward you it Mrs.Reigns." He said leaning down kissing on my neck softly making me moan. "We better get going." I whimpered out as he licked on my neck with his long ass tongue. "Yeah you're right." He whispered in my ear nipping on it lightly. Before he walked away. "God damn you!" I yelled slapping his back and he chuckled jogging towards the door. We walked out and he locked the door behind us. We got into the car and drove off. Ro held my hand tightly as we pulled into the parking lot. We parked and his family was waiting outside of the courthouse. We got out and El grabbed my hand tightly. I looked down at her and she looked up at me nervously. "It's going to be alright." I whispered down to her and she nodded. Ro took my other hand as we walked forward towards his family. They all began hugging Roman. Then quickly turned to me and hugged me. I met almost what I thought was his entire family. We all filled inside and into the court room. El sat on my lap and Ro sat between me and Susie our lawyer and his mothers best friend. Judge Breyer walked in. He was an older gentleman. He sat down and told the cop that he was ready and that he could bring in the inmates. We all stood up as he brought in a rough looking woman and a buff guy. So she's got a special type then. She looked over at me and then El. She turned into me and I picked her up staring the women down. I hope and prayed she could feel the daggers shooting from my eyes. I could see the anger on Romans face. I leaned over softly kissing behind his ear. "Ro. Eli's right here. Don't let your anger get the best of you." I whispered and he looked at me and then a terrified looking El. He quickly grabbed her from my arms and hugged her tightly. He whispered something to her. She nodded softly as we finally could sit down. "We are here today for the custody and hearing of case 784 Reigns vs. Caciure." The judge said as court began.
Roman has just stepped down from the stand. "Now I'd like to have the victim come and testify if she is willing." The judge said and she nodded softly. "Can I have Eilia sit with me?" She asked softly and the judge nodded. She stood up holding my hand walking up to the stand. I walked up first sitting down and she walked up second sitting on my lap. "You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth so help you god? If so say I do." The judge asked. "I do." El spoke and the judge nodded. "The team of Reigns shall go first." The judge instructed as Cindy walked forward. "Joelle could you describe to the judge what abuse you went through if you are comfortable?" Cindy asked and Joelle nodded. "Chad would pinch me really hard or slap me on my tummy if I didn't do what he said. He would try and make me go to the gas station by myself to get him stuff but I would tell him no because daddy always tells me I can't go anywhere without an adult. A-And she would not feed me because Chad would say I didn't follow his rules and then I'd get sent to my room." She said and Cindy nodded. "And how long would you go without food?" Cindy asked. "Umm a few days. Usually as soon as I got to daddy's he had cooked food ready for me and I'd eat right away." El said. "How long had this been going on?" Cindy asked. "Um since last year." She said and Cindy nodded. "No further questions your honor." Cindy said walking back. The lawyer representing the two criminals walked up. "Why did you wait so long to tell anyone about this abuse?" She asked. "Because they said they'd hurt me more and if I told daddy that I'd never see him again." El said looking down with a frown. "So then why all of a sudden did you decide to tell your fathers new girlfriend about this out fo the blue?" The lawyer asked. "I was sick when I got to Daddy's house. Eilia was taking care of and my tummy hurt really badly. I told her and she asked me permission to let her check and I said yes because I trust Eilia. So she checked and saw all the brusies. I started to cry and she told me it was all ok. And I didn't want to tell her because I knew that she was gonna tell daddy and t-they said if I tell daddy they'd hurt me more." El said with a soft sniffle. "So your fathers girlfriend persuaded you into telling her?" The lawyer asked and to be completely honest I wanted to punch her in the face but I didn't. "No. I told her why I was scared and didn't want to tell her. Eilia explained to me
that she wouldn't let them take me away from daddy. I trust Eilia and I said that she could tell Daddy. I trust Eilia and daddy to keep me safe I just didn't want to lose daddy." She said and I rubbed her back she was doing so well. "So this was your first time meeting Eilia correct?" The lawyer asked. "Yes." El replyed shortly. "So you decided you were going to tell a women you just met that your mother and her boyfriend had been physically abusing you for a year?" The lawyer asked and Cindy stood up. "Objection." Cindy said. "Overruled." The judge said back. "Yes. I did. And since I'm sure your next question will be why? I'll tell you. They said that if I told DADDY that it would get worse. And that I'd never get to see him again. They NEVER said anything about me telling Eilia. They didn't even know about Eilia. So I told Eilia so it could stop. I was sick. I was hungry. I was sore and hurting. I wanted it to stop. I was sick of it happening and having no one to reach out and tell that it was happening. I didn't want daddy to get hurt or hurt someone and get in trouble. I knew with the way Eilia is so kind and sweet that she could make my daddy be calm about it. And I was right. So there's your answer." In the midsts of all this El had stood up as tears streamed down her face. As soon as he was done she sat back down turning into me and crying. I held her softly rocking her back and forth gently. She stopped crying after a minute and turned back with a sniffle. "You seem upset. If at anytime you want to stop you can." The lawyer said with a smirk which made my blood boil. "I'm upset because I lived through all the abuse. I lived through every hit. Every missed meal. EVERYTHING! You didn't. You just stand here trying to break me down for their benefit. Well it's not going to work. Daddy and Eilia taught me to be strong and say exactly how everything went. And that's what I'm up here doing. So move onto your next question." El said crossing her arms over her chest. I looked over at Ro and he smiled. El is so strong. "No further questions your honer." The lawyer said walking back over to the table. "I think with the information I have I can make my decisions today. I've just got one questions or you Joelle." The judge said. "You want to live with your father correct?" The judge asked and Joelle nodded. "I want nothing more than to live with Daddy and El for the rest of my life." She said leaning into me making me smile. "Alright. We will have a 20 minute recess and I'll be back with the verdict." The judge said standing up and I helped El up and we walked down the steps. Cindy gave El a high five. Ro picked her up kissing her cheek and hugging her tightly. I walked to them and hugged them both tightly. "You did so good El. I'm so proud of how brave you were up there." I whispered to her. "Thanks Eilia." She said with a smile as we walked out to the waiting area. El ran to her cousins laughed and playing with them. Roman sat down on a bench and I sat next to him and he put his around around my shoulder pulling me close. "So is this like you entire family?" I asked looking at all the people on the room. "No. This is only my family in Florida. I've got family in California and the Islands too. I've got some in Italy as well." He said and my jaw dropped. "Really?" I asked and he chuckled. "Yeah. I've got family all over. My family is huge." He said and I giggled. "I've got like one town worth of family maybe if that." I said and he chuckled. "That's alright. All of my family will love you. Clearly they already do. I've had like 8 of my Aunts tell me to marry you." He said and I giggled. "I'll probably plan a trip to Italy for all of us soon. Jojo, You & I. Some of my favorite cousins live there I'm sure my female cousins will love you. They'll be annoying but they'll love you." He said and I giggled. "I almost lost it when Jojo started to cry." He said with a sigh looking over at his daughter who was smiling happily. "I know I almost lost it when that god damn lawyer smirked." I said and he hummed. "I fee much better about how I look now that I've seen her in that orange jumpsuit." I said and he chuckled. "I told you you're sexier, smarter, more kind, more caring clearly. Never compare yourself to her. Clearly El cares more about you than she does her. And I damn sure care about you and love you more than I've ever loved her." He said and I blushed and nodded. The officer walked through the doors and said court would now resume. El instantly ran over grabbing my hand. I smiled down at her and she smiled back softly. We walked back in and sat down. The judge came in and we all stood. "You may be seated." The judge said and we all sat quietly. "In the case 784 Reigns vs. Caciure, I find the defendant's guilty of child abuse and neglect. I sentence you both to 7 years in a maximum security prison. With no parole or bail. As for the child I grant full custody to Leati Joseph Reigns the biological father. Court is now adjourned." The judge said slamming the gavel down. Relief washed over me as I looked over at El as she bursted into tears. I quickly picked her up sitting her in between us hugging her. Roman kissed her forehead as tears ran down his face. "I'm so happy for you both." I said kissing El's cheek and Ro looked up at me and I kissed his lips. "Now who wants ice cream?" I asked and El's head popped up and she raised her hand. I giggled and nodded. Ro stood up as we walked out of the courthouse. We said goodbye to his family and thanked them. "I'll drive. I know the perfect place." I said and Ro nodded handing me the keys. We all got into the car buckle up and driving off. Once we pulled into the parking lot of the cute little Ice cream shop I parked and we got out. "This is so cute Eilia." El said grabbing my hand as she skipped. "I now right? I used to come here as a kid all the time." I said as we walked up to the window. El ordered a cookie doe double scoop cone. I ordered a banana split. And Ro ordered a double chocolate double scoop cone. "El pick where you want us to sit." I said and she skipped over to the table the farthest away. Which was nice because it gave us a perfect view of the sunset. I looked over at Roman as we walked together. He stared out at nothing as he licked the chocolate ice cream bringing it into his mouth. "You sure do love chocolate don't you." I said with a giggle and he looked over at me and wiggled his eyebrows. "Damn right I do." He said sticking his long tongue out licking the ice cream just like he licks me. Fucking tease. We walked to the table and Ro say next to El. She wiggled close to him and he picked her up sitting her in his lap. "Awww you both look cute let me take a picture." I said taking my phone out taking a few pictures. I set my favorite of them laughing as my lock screen before putting my phone away. We all eat our ice cream. "Eilia this is sooooo good!" El said as Ro bounced her on his leg. "Well I'm glad you like it. It's my favorite ice cream place." I said with a smile. "Eiliaaaaa?" El asked with a big smile. "Yeeessssss?" I asked back making her giggle. "What are we having for dinner I'm hungry." She said with a smile. "Beef Stew. It'll be ready when we get home. I had it cooking when we left." I said and she hummed. "That sounds so good. Can we go?" She asked and I looked at Roman who was just finishing his cone. "Fine by me. I'm pretty tired anyway." He said fake yawning. "Alright then let's get going. I'm sure your body is tired from today El so it will probably be a early night for you ok?" I said and she nodded. "Yeah I'm pooped out." She said and I nodded. We walked to the car. We got in buckling up and drove back home.
We got home and walked inside the house smelled soo good. El ran into the kitchen making me giggle. I sat my purse down as Ro ran his hand over my hip. I looked up at him and he smiled. "I fucking love you." He groaned out making me smile. "I love you too." I said with a giggle kissing his lips. We walked into the kitchen and El was sitting at the table ready. She had put a plate out for both of us and silverware. "Aww El you set the table for us?" I said and she nodded with a smile. I turned the slow cooker off and stored it around. It smelled and looked amazing.

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