Chapter Six

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Hey everyone!

So I'm really sorry that I haven't gotten around to reading and replying to all your comments, messages etc. yet. I've pretty much been sick and in bed since Monday and I just had to force myself to write this chapter. I'm really glad I got it done though but it might not be up to its usual standard. :) Just so you all know! 

I might revise it a little later on when I feel better. 

So enjoy the chapter. :) 



My feet touched the ground gently and I looked around me with interest. Trusting old instincts I thought had died away long ago I’d followed the pulling sensation in my body and ended up here.

Here, was a dense forest miles away from the house I’d met Sapphire at last night. The trees seemed to go on forever and the musty, wet smell so typical to forests hung heavy in the air.

Breathing in deeply, I sighed as I recalled the snow and frost in the air that I had always loved so dearly. This forest reminded me of similar forests in what was now Norway and a feeling of homesickness washed over me, surprising me with its intensity.

She had to be somewhere nearby, I was certain so instead of dwelling on my thoughts I focused on finding her. I had to know if she was alright, had to know what that bastard had done to her.

Missy had begged me not to deny Sapphire, not to reject the bond that was forming between us. Yet Sapphire was still unaware of its existence, she didn’t know I was her soulmate and she mine. I could still walk away unattached.

My stomach rolled angrily as if I’d just ingested something rotten and I turned away from that trail of thoughts too. Choosing not to confront myself with that reality just yet.

I unclasped the feathered cloak and folded it carefully before teleporting it back to its spot on the shelve in my chambers in the Stronghold. I was attached to the thing despite the fact that it had once belonged to someone I hated fervently.

Stepping into the direction that felt like it was pulling at me I shouldered my way through some bushes and branches. Crisp green ferns and cold dewdrops brushing against my legs.

Barely having progressed more than ten feet I spotted the silver fur of Sapphire. She was silhouetted against the darkness of a gently running little spring. Black and brown stones as it’s bed glistened like a thousand little stars.

She was standing beside it and lapping at the water as if extremely thirsty, her nuzzle freckled with red. She’d killed something and I spotted her dead prey a few feet away from the stream.

A dainty little deer, the tender underside of its belly eaten and it’s throat ripped and torn by sharp fangs. It didn't bother me and I discarded the dead animal almost right away. I'd never be a vegetarian anyway.

She hadn't seen or heard me yet and I took a moment to take her in. She was beautiful, magnificent in her wolf body. She was elegant yet powerful, her body clearly resilient enough and strong enough to take down an animal her own size.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2012 ⏰

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