Chapter Five

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So I don't know who of you checked out the story I linked in the last chapter but for those who did. I really think it's an important message, it's something I've been wondering myself and I hope some of you will agree with me. ;) I think the story/message deserves some more thought. 

Anyway, enjoy the chapter! 



I sat down heavily on my bed inside Nathaniel’s mansion, I much preferred my rooms in the Stronghold. It was there I'd created a little haven for myself with things from the past that I'd collected during the long years of my existence.

This room was big, with its own en suite bathroom and all but it just didn't give me the same privacy. The walls didn't hold back the sounds from the rest of the house the way the heavy stone walls of the Stronghold did.

I felt safe there. Here, I had a hard time sleeping because I could hear people moving and breathing. Some rooms had been completely and properly isolated, like Nathaniel’s study yet most were built to human standard and that just didn't cut it with all the supernaturals living here.

I looked over at my sword, always my trusty companion and much preferred over the loud and stinking human weapons of today. I'd come close to using it tonight and just remembering the sight of beautiful Sapphire in the clutches of that man...

I groaned loudly and threw myself backwards into the soft mattress, dragging my hands over my face. Damn it all! What had Nathaniel gotten me into?

I loved him like a brother but he was messing with my personal life and I couldn't say I particularly liked it. He'd purposely tricked me into the teaching job because he knew how I'd feel about Sapphire.

I knew it was because he wanted to see me happy and not just that, the fate of Sapphire was something that would hurt my soft hearted friend for a long time if it wasn't fixed. Rape and abuse were some of the things he could simply not tolerate.

It was an admirable trait and I too had once felt that way, now I was numb most of the time and it helped me forget. Having once been the god of justice in Scandinavia... I'd seen my fair share of pain and suffering.

The journey to the mansion had been hurried, I'd done it in barely ten minutes. Preferring to leave my truck parked near the campus and flying here instead. Freya's cloak had served me well all these long years since she'd died; the conniving bitch.

A low chuckle escaped my throat but it contained no mirth at all... I'd never been more happy than I'd been on the day that witch finally died. She might have been incredibly beautiful and remembered now as the goddess of fertility and hearth and home. She'd been all evil inside.

Nothing like Sapphire even if she too had the beautiful, silky, honey colored hair. I shivered as I remembered that little detail, I'd had the strange urge of desperately wanting to run my hands through it. To prove to myself that it really was as soft as it looked.

And her eyes! Man... That blue seared me to the bone and although they were icy in color they were the hottest thing I'd ever seen. The color only more defined when she'd been in her wolf body, when heavy black lashes and lines surrounded them.

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