"Hopefully, that little dummy can pass the trials." Sharlyn smiled faintly, gazing at the spot where Shi Feng had stood a moment ago. "Awakening that sword drained me to such a degree. I'll have to rest for a long time. I let him off too lightly by taking only 500 Gold. The next time we meet, I'll collect this debt...with interest."


At this moment, Shi Feng was at a complete loss.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in a dimly illuminated field. Swords were everywhere, from the sky to the earth. This place was literally a world of swords.

In the distance, Shi Feng could see a mountain piercing the sky. A faint, silver glow radiated from the mountain's peak, and it was the only source of light in this dim world.

System: You have discovered the Origin Sword Domain.

System: You are in a unique realm. All forms of communications have been sealed. You are unable to make contact with the outside world.

"It would seem that this Origin Sword Domain is independent of God's Domain." Shi Feng tried to call up the system map. However, the map was blank. Shi Feng then took a look at his surroundings. As far as the eye could see, other than the mountain in the distance, there was nothing but flatlands. Moreover, the further one traveled from the mountain, the darker it would become. "It looks like the only exit is at the peak of that mountain."

Shi Feng then examined the swords stabbed into the ground, all of which were immovable. Some even resembled buildings and plants. Unlike flowers and trees, however, Shi Feng would receive damage if he touched these blades.

To put it simply, he needed to avoid these swords as he advanced.

As for the swords suspended in the sky, so long as he did not fly, they weren't a threat.

However, this world only took a moment to correct that assumption. After Shi Feng took a few steps forward, several swords descended from the sky. One of them just happened to slice past his arm, causing -200 damage.

"Crap! Raining swords?!" Shi Feng looked at the swords around him, realizing why so many swords pierced the ground.

Moreover, the swords that descended from the sky dealt a lot more damage than the swords on the ground.

"I'm guessing this trial requires players to avoid the swords on the ground while dodging the swords descending from the sky?" Shi Feng remained still for the moment. He silently observed his surroundings, searching for the best path towards the mountain.

He chose to stand still because the moment he moved, the swords in the sky would start to fall. Most likely, the swords in the sky were set to fall based on the player's movements.

"Sure enough, this world is trying to kill me."

After waiting for a moment, Shi Feng discovered that the swords in the sky had not fallen. However, before he could rejoice over this discovery, the swords in the ground started trembling, and one after another, these swords sunk into the ground, vanishing completely.

Feeling that something was amiss, Shi Feng kept his gaze on the ground beneath his feet.

Suddenly, tens of swords sprung up from the ground beneath him, soaring into the sky.

Reacting quickly, Shi Feng performed a backflip, dodging these blades. However, due to his backflip, the swords above plunged towards him.

"This is a joke, right?" Shi Feng immediately unsheathed the Abyssal Blade and Purgatory's Shadow, defending against the incoming flying swords. One after another, blades of light struck the flying swords, scattering them.

Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword GodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin