13| To break ups, no make ups.

Start from the beginning

"Well, if you believe Ross is a good person then I'm with you."

"Yes, he is. He just, he is just scared. I think he has been hurt before, or hurt somebody he really cared about and now he got all this feelings froze and he himself acts like ice. I don't know what to do." I explain.

"Well, then remember, ice melts." she smiles clearly happy I told her about Ross. I just didn't told her about today and about Dylan.


I walk in school and now it's already lunch time. I was the whole morning doing interviews. Straight up to the cafeteria. Suddenly a girl comes up to me.

"Hi, Laura. I was asking do you know if Ross is available?"

"Hum, I believe he is single if that is what you are asking." I smile at the intimidated girl.

I keep walking and I see a group of four girls that come up to me. "Can we ask you a question?" I nod avoiding talk. "Can you get us Ross phone number?"

"Hum, I don't really know if I can leak any of that information, I'm sorry girls." I say and start to walk faster not stoping to take a glance at people approaching.

I finally reach the popular table and greet everyone sitting myself next to Dylan. "So, how was you morning?" asks Kate from the other side of the circular table.

"Interviews with all the same questions..... Yupi." I say ironically and everyone chuckles.

"I know what you mean...... " says Derek acting like oh-em-gyyy-boring-i-know.

"Yeah, you know what she means..." says Dylan smiling.

"So are you coming to watch us practice today?" says Tyler. Tyler was another guy I admired, just for his spirit. He was definitely so sweet and gentle. You could see it right throw his eyes. Every girl fainted for Dylan, but with Tyler they were killed with kindness. His ex-girlfriend still goes to our school and is best friends with Tracy. I remember in like second week of freshman lost like a little lamb, didn't dare to look up I bumped into someone and dropped all my books in the ground he did not only help me as he lunched alone with me that day. Tracy spent the whole week giving me dirty looks but Tyler with his kindness asked her to please stop, and she never bugged me again. He was that powerful.

"Sure. It will be fun." I answer. I suddenly feel a touch in my back and turn to see who it was.

"Hey, Laura I was wondering if I could ask you a question."

"I guess." I say feeling strange with this situation.

"Okay, hum, is Ross single?" she ask.

"I think so, but what does it matter?" I smile trying not to sound annoyed until I feel Dylan rubbing my back and there I feel calmer.

"Is just he is so cute.....I mean he should have a girlfriend but if no one grab him, then I will. Do not touch him..." she threats and walks away.

"What was that about?" asks Nick.

"I don't know I've been getting this kind of questions since I got here. I don't understand it."

"What did you expect? Laure he is cute, has that face, the kid is pretty interesting, so don't expect him to be single much longer." Kate explains.

"What does he have, that we don't?" asks Derek.

"It doesn't matter, sincerely, that guys is a jerk, and no Kate I actually expect him to be single for a long time, he says he doesn't do girlfriends, stuff like that. Believe me. You guys are way better than him. Sincerely." I say.

"Thank you." Derek speaks up to me and I giggle.

"Laura, why don't you give him a shot?" says Kate.

"But I don't like him." I answer.

"I mean at being friends."

"Me too. He is just unbelievable. I don't know what to do to him."

I sit in right in front row to see the practice of the basketball team. Kate joined me and we watch the guys play. (A/N: I know nothing about basket so I'll just not describe really what they are doing."

"Laura, can I ask you a question?" says Kate.

"I've been hearing this question too much times recently. Am I that scary you can't go ahead and ask?" I say and laugh when finish.

"Well, do you know if Travis likes anyone and if it is me and you know, tell me.." she begs.

"Look, not gonna put myself between you two. I mean that would've not be nice for each of you. You both tell everything about your love life so I know you both. Just, tell him you like him, trust me, or then try and kiss him when you two are alone. Promise me you'll do it."

"But, I don't think...."

"Nah, nah, nah, you are putting me in the middle of this then listen to me, I know what I'm sayin'. You think I would tell you straight ahead this if I didn't know what I was talkin' about? I'm not that radical, sorry friend..." I explain.

"You know Laura, now I'm seeing you have something inside you, a more radical, opened up, extroverted, speak up personality that you're discovering just now and it is because of Ross, I'm pretty sure. When he leaves, don't save it back in your pocket again okay?" she says serious.

I nod and look back to the basket field. Dylan looks up to me and smiles. I start to really appreciate Dylan's company. I like him. Ross is keeping me from thinking about something with him. But I wanna try. He is a really good guy. Super humorous and simple genuine. Just like the other guys of his group which is really nice to have this kind of people around.

And every minute I started to realize, my life without Ross was way better.

When the practice finished, the guys went to change and I went to my locker to get my stuff and then go home, but a blonde thing passing throw me caught my eye.

"Ross? What the heck are you doing here?" I say surprised.

He turn around towards me and says, "Guess who is joining school?" I look at him and don't know what to say. "Me."

TEASER FOR NEXT CHAPTER: Ross's POV (just for you guys and Ross's birthday.)

QUESTION: Comment down below your happy birthdays to Ross! Thoughts on Ross joining school? Thoughts on Tyler? Who should play the new characters?(Derek, Tracy, Nick, Tiffany......)

Hey, guys. Happy birthday to Ross. I love him so much. I'll never forget your hug, your smell, and seeing you do what you love, music. Loved that day! i have a lot of faith in you and your talent. I know you will just keep rising up. You are so good in what you do. Love you!

*Editing* Hating on my Co-Star (Raura Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now