Chapter 2- Elia

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I took a long puff of my Marlboro Vintage and stared at the withering old man across the table. He was sweating despite the full blown air-conditioning and frankly I wasn't surprised. People tend to cower in front of me. That's what makes

I eyed my best friend slash sidekick Mario and he grinned slyly, saying nothing.

"You're not eating, Mr Harvey," I pointed, eyeing his untouched plate of sirloin and asparagus.

", I...I am not really hungry,sir," He stuttered.

"Too bad because I hate wasting food," I said, leaning closer. "Is that a tradition or something in America? Because we Italians strip our plates clean,"

"No, of course not," He laughed nervously. "I will start as soon as you do,"

"Well, in that case, Bon appetit!" I smiled, taking a bite of my lobster ravioli.

"What do you want?" Mr Harvin blurted out at last, something he was dying to do throughout the evening. "Please, let me go!"

"We want the deal," Mario answered.

Before he could say something, one of the waitress trotted into our private dinning carrying a bottle of Chianti.

"Your refill,sir," She said sweetly, batting her lashes at me.

I eyed her as she trotted along the room in her tight white blouse and short black skirt, lips painted with blood red lipstick.

"May I?" She asked me and I gave her one of my panty-dropping sexy smile. From the corner of my eyes I saw Mario roll his eyes. Jealous prick.

"Sure, love," I said. She smiled and leaned in to fill my glass doing it with more precision than was needed.

"Do let me know, if you need anything," She said, once she was done.

"Of course," I smiled and eyed her name-pin. "Greta,"

She nodded, gave me another flirty glance and left. I stared at her and then turned my attention back to the matter we were dealing with.

"So, where were we?" I asked.

"The deal..." Mario replied. "Now, what do you think about that Mr. Harvey?"

"I already promised the deal to Mr. Bianchy sir," He stuttered. "He will kill me if I don't keep it,"

"And how do you intend to keep your promise, huh? If you cease to live in the first place there will be no deal, isn't it? Did that occur to you Mr. Harvey?"I pointed.

"Please, don't do that sir," He almost started sobbing. "I have a family,"

"And I want you to live a happy fulfilling life with them," I smiled. "And so you would. All you need to do is sign that deal,"

"Giovanni will kill me," He repeated.

"Look, Mr Harvey," Mario sneered. "That arms deal in Chicago is ours and if you don't do as told, I will kill you right here and nobody will even utter a word. You know I am not above killing innocent people anyway,"

"Easy there," I warned. "This is a conversation between gentlemen. Maintain the decorum please,"

"Fine," Mario scowled, sitting back.

"So, Mr. Harvey," I said turning to old guy again. "How about this? I will pay you thrice of what Giovanni promised you. You sign the deal and get out of the States for sometime? And anyways, he won't come after you...he will come after me, so you should be fine,"

"But..." He started.

" that's a word I don't like," I whispered. "Don't test my patient, Mr Harvey. Seize the day, okay? I don't want the blood of your wife in my hands and I am sure neither do you,"

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