Chapter Four: Friend

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"Cassian," I heard a rough voice call out to me as I examined my chestnut-coloured horse I've had since I was a child, a strong mare named Fiona and her saddle, as well as the horse beside her; born and raised here at the castle, a black beauty named Onyx.

I turned around to see Timothy walking towards me with a small pile of clothes in both his left and right hand. I bowed slightly as he stopped in front me, and he politely did the same. "Yes sir," I replied.

"Please give these to her Majesty Princess Emilia," He instructs, passing me the clothes in his left hand. "She is to wear them before she enters Celia. She must blend in. We don't want people to know who she is, in fear that her life be endangered."

I took them from him and placed them under my arm, gently so as not to crease them.

"Please don't be afraid to crease them Cassian, I'm sure everyone in Celia wears un-ironed clothes. It'll help with the look." He told me with a slight smile.

I laughed shakily and nodded as I loosened my grip on the clothes under my arm.

Timothy then handed me the pile of the clothes in his other hand. "And these are for you. Please also change into these garments before leaving with the Princess. You too must blend in."

I was confused. I glanced down at my clothing but took the clothes from Timothy's hands. "But sir, what's wrong with-"

"We cannot have her Majesty in civilian clothing while being followed around town with a man in armour without attracting attention can we?" Timothy asked.

Then it dawned on me, and I shook my head. "No sir."

"Very well. Now please take those to her Majesty."

I nodded, bowed and turned around to Fiona. Placing the clothes in a bag that hung at the bottom of her saddle, I clutched the horn of the saddle, put my foot in the stirrup and hoisted myself up onto her back, taking the reins. Before I could move any further, Timothy walked up and took hold of the horn of the saddle and looked me in the eye.

"Cassian," he starts.

I was about to reply when he continued. "Please look after Emilia." His voice firm, yet so soft. I could tell from the tone of his voice that the Princess meant a lot to him.

I nodded and gave him my reassurance. "With my life sir."

Timothy nodded and let go, taking a couple steps back. I took hold of Onyx's reins and clicked my tongue, nudging Fiona with my foot causing her to trot forward with Onyx beside us as we headed for the castle.

As we rode, so many thoughts went through my head.

What was the princess like? Would she be a pain? Is she naive? Is she hard-headed? Is she hot-headed? Would father be okay? Would I be able to handle this? Am I the right person for the job?

The building that the Royal Family called home became closer and closer. As I reached the entrance I dismounted and took the clothes from the bag, giving the horses and my helmet to Matthias, a royal gardner and farmer to look after.

I focused my attention on the big arched doors at the top of the wide staircase in front of me. I was about to take a step when someone behind me loudly cleared their throat. I frowned and turned around. My curiosity quickly vanished and turned into joy when I was met with the smiling face of my childhood best friend William.

He laughed as he knew he had taken me by surprise, holding his arms out wide with his helmet in one hand, approaching me for an embrace.

I grinned as I mimicked his actions, both our armour making a loud clang as we embraced, patting each other's back.

Will was also part of the Royal Guard, we trained as children, both our dreams were to serve the Royal Family. Since both our fathers served before us, when we reached the right age, it was a lot easier for us to get into this full time than the others.

"I heard you've been chosen to go to Celia." Will said with a proud smile, nudging my shoulder with his helmet.

I smiled and looked down, feeling somewhat shy. "I have."

Will's smile never left his face. "You deserve it Alec. After all, you were promoted to Head of the Guard; they couldn't have chosen anyone better skilled, or of better disposition than you my friend."

I nodded and sighed, looking at the castle. "I really hope I can do a good job Will. Father was ecstatic to hear I was chosen. I feel like I have such big shoes to fill."

Will nodded. "Just be yourself." He encouraged. "You became Head because you're not only a great leader, but a great friend, and a great son. None of that is forced. It's who you are. And if you possess all that, you can't go wrong."

I smiled at my friend's words. "Thank you, Will."

William laughed and nudged me again. "Just come back soon okay? They've got Darcy to replace you for the time being."

I covered my eyes and groaned, but a laugh couldn't help but escape me. Darcy was very by-the-book. At times he was too stuck in what had to be done that he couldn't joke.

Darcy was great when it came to combat and strategy, but when it came to being human, to relax, and to try to get along with the people he worked with, he was like a rock.

"Well then," I said after a long chuckle. "You look after the boys for me," I told him, nudging his arm.

Will sighed teasingly. "I will try."

I looked at Will who was still smiling, ever still the positive young boy I had grown up with, who was now a young man. This would be my last time to see him for two years. That sounded too long.

Will seemed to be thinking the same, because his smile slowly faded. "Don't miss me too much." He said, opening his arms again for an embrace.

I smiled and hugged him back. "I'll try."

We let go and he gestured to the castle doors. "They await."

I nodded and started for the big castle doors again. I was halfway up the staircase when Will called my name.

"I'll be here to farewell you. Thomas is coming too." Will called out.

I smiled and waved to my best friend in acknowledgement. Joy slowly replaced my feelings of fear upon hearing that my father would come to see me off as well.

I wanted to make them proud.


Chapter Four!!
Meet William everyone.
You can imagine him as anyone you'd like. I don't like to include pictures or much description so you can use that awesome imagination of yours!

Hope you're enjoying the story so far. I really want you to get to know the characters a little bit before everything starts happening.

If you have comments, suggestions or feedback let me know. If not, thanks for reading !!

Hope you're having a good day :)


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