Chapter One: Guard

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"Emilia," came my mother's soft yet firm voice.

I shook myself off from staring into the distance. Something I had suddenly started doing, as brought up by my mother. I turned my head to look at her, smiling innocently.

"Yes mother?"

Her small heart-shaped face tilted slightly to the side, and her eyes gave me a look of reprimand, but with a touch of softness, a look she would give me every time she caught me staring off into the distance, followed with "You cheeky girl."

She gestured to the front. "Timothy was informing us of something important," She told me. "Continue, Timothy." She told him with a nod.

Timothy gestured to a young man, dressed in armour, kneeling on one knee beside him. His elbow propped up on his knee he kept his face down. He held a helmet in his other hand, tucked under his arm. His thick brown hair was ruffled, some of it standing up in different places from the action of removing his helmet.

"This is the new head of the Guard," Timothy began. "Before Sir Albert passed, he had him appointed as head. The rest of the Guard have informed me of their confidence in him, that he is strong physically, emotionally and capable to lead them. If they are confident, so am I." Timothy informed us.

"Thank you Timothy," Mother said. Her eyes then scanned the room at her audience, then back to me. "Are you ready?" She asked.

I took a deep breath, my mind racing with what if's and doubts and fears, and adrenaline. I tried pushing them all aside as I closed my eyes and nodded. I opened my eyes and looked at my mother, who looked at me with a proud expression. "I am."

My name is Emilia.

Princess, and first in line to the throne, after my mother, Queen Amelia Lorian, great ruler of the land of Askaria.

My father, peace be upon him, passed when I was born. Leaving my mother to raise me and to teach me the ways of a ruler. As I got older she would always remind me that the time would come when I would have to venture out to the land of the people, to mingle with them and to observe them discreetly. I was to become their friend, unbeknownst to them who they were actually associating with. For a short time I was to become one of them. To provide the best care for the people, one needed to one of them first.

Today, the time has come.

Mother looked to the audience once more, the whole Royal household, the Royal Guard, the members of authority; and stood up. The material from the back of her red gown falling from the chair and spilling onto the carpet beneath her feet. She clasped her hands together and spoke. "The time has arrived for my daughter to go out and roam the streets of Askaria." She announced. "To be a great ruler, one must understand the needs of those they will rule over."

Her eyes then fell on the young guard. "Young man, do you understand the seriousness of your position?"

He didn't look up. "Yes, Your Majesty." He replied.

"You are to accompany my daughter to the nearest town called Celia. You are to keep her under your protection. There will be no one else accompanying you, it is you, and you alone. You must guard her with your life."

"Yes Your Majesty."

"Good." She paused, and looked at his bowed figure intently, before speaking again. "What is your name, young man?"

Still kneeling, he finally looked up. His blue eyes showed no emotion as he glanced at me, and then to my mother.

"Cassian. Your Majesty."


Wow a fresh book!
This plot has been on my mind for ages and it's been a while since I've written/typed.  Hope it sounds interesting enough for you to want to read more!

I will try and update regularly, but knowing me, a perfectionist, it needs to be perfect before I publish a chapter so please bear with me!
Let me know what you think about it :)

It's raining here at the moment, hope your weather is better than mine haha.
Thanks for reading,


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