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In the principal's office at Kunugigaoka Middle School. Two men talking in the room. However, the atmosphere in the room was not as relaxed as imagined.

A man who is believed to be in his 40s sits on a sofa with his legs crossed. Even though he smiled while looking at the form he was holding, we could see tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.


Laying several forms on the table, the man began to talk and faced his guest. Yes, this man is the principal here, Asano Gakuhou

"You want me to accept the child you told me now into my school?"

"That's right, more precisely Class 3-E. I want him to be placed in that class."

Saying that the man sipped a cup of coffee provided by the school in a relaxed manner while talking.

"But, letting this amazing kid be in Class 3-E which is where 'those who are not selected' are ... That's-"

"Indirectly destroying the ideology you built, right?"

However, even though Asano was the principal here ... he didn't dare mess with the guests in front of him now. He really wanted to reject the request of the person but he could not.


Asano knew that he could not make decisions that could harm this man, because he knew that the person behind this man had the most influence in the country.

Of course, Asano also knew, the reason why his guest wanted the child he said to go to school here and be in class 3-E, was because of the presence of the monster that had recently come and threatened to destroy the earth next year. The monster now teaches at this school as a teacher.

He thought, why did this man want a child like this to be in class 3-E? Is it because of a gift offered? No, the money offered by the government for the head of the monster is not comparable to what is owned by the person behind this guest.

"If I may know, why do you want this child to go to school here and be in Class 3-E? From the data I see in this form, all the abilities this child has are-"

Asano stopped, suddenly he thought of something. Does the existence of this child being spoken of really exist? Or is it just a lie? If you think about it logically, all the quiet things about this child are like an impossible existence ... it's like fiction.

However, Asano began to think. Putting aside that fiction thought, the existence of such terrible monsters already existed, maybe this child did exist.

But, what kind of education series does this child go through to reach such heights at the age of 14? However, this intrigued Asano. If he can place such an education system in this school, will the educational ideals he has been implementing will reach even higher heights?

"Fuu fu, Mr. Tsukishiro ... if I may know, does this child exist?"

"What do you mean? Principal Asano."

"You know, however, something like this I can't take for granted."

Saying that he crossed his arms and for the first time dared to look into the man's eyes.

"A 14-year-old boy, capable of possessing extraordinary knowledge and expertise in various fields of education and non-academics, I can't just believe that."


"I want to know, what education are you doing? To make something like this being."

Hearing Asano's words, Tsukishiro only smiled softly. As if knowing the intent and purpose of this principal's words, Tsukishiro stood up from his seat.

 As if knowing the intent and purpose of this principal's words, Tsukishiro stood up from his seat

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"Alright, Principal Asano. Looks like my time is done here."

Patting his hand once, he said that in an unpleasant tone of voice.

"But, we still haven't finished-"

"We? You finished it."

"What are you-"

Asano stopped, seeing Tsukishiro's expression. The smile that he had shown was replaced with something scary.

"Listen to me Asano, who wants this kind of thing is that man. As someone who is under the food chain, you can only obey and say 'Yes'. If you dig deeper into us, all you will find is hell with no end, an endless abyss for you and your family, your son, your grandchild."

He turned and walked toward the exit of the room. Leaving the scared Asano headmistress behind.

"Ah, and one more thing."

Tsukishiro turned one last time to principal Asano and said ...

"If you still want to see the sunrise from the eastern horizon, make sure you obey the man's wishes, because our "god" will be here for one year in this school."

Tsukishiro left the principal's office. The door squeaked slowly before finally closing, leaving an uncomfortable atmosphere for the rest of the day in the principal's office.

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