Pt. 3

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*Percy POV*

Me and Annabeth got there on time, and sat down. Zeus began his speech, "Hello students, before we leave, I have to tell you about your leaders, Annabelle Chance and Perry Johnson. These two are more than capable of leading you guys, because they have been at the camp for many years. Annabelle was having family problems, Athena adopted her. Percy had a similar experience, being adopted to get away from his stepfather. Percy was adopted by Poseidon because he met him when he went on a little excursion as a mortal. These are blessed by their adoptive parents and have the same powers that one of the demigods would."

Once we got to the front, we started separating kids into groups to be flashed to Olympus, where they would get a tour. After everyone got flashed, Annabeth began the tour, "So here is the Pegasus stables, the markets, and the throne room is over there."

*Annabeth POV*

"You two are terrible liars," Nancy says to me and Percy. "What?" I ask, silently pleading Percy doesn't get upset. "We know the gods didn't adopt you guys. First of all, you just aren't cool enough to even be acknowledged by the gods. Second of all, Blake says he has never seen you before," she states matter-of-factly. 

"Firstly. we spend most of our at Olympus, not camp, during the summer. Secondly, the gods don't want people to know about us because of the special circumstances," I explain, grabbing Percy's clenched hand, relaxing him.

Once we finished the tour, we flashed to CHB. "Everyone, you will be in the guest cabin tonight. Me and Annabelle will be staying in our own cabins. If you are not following directions, we will be notified immediately. Follow me, we will be teaching you a little bit of fighting today," Percy informed the group, leading them to find a weapon.

Once everyone got their weapons, we went into the training arena, where most of the camp waited to watch Percy fight. "Okay, you guys go sit on the sidelines as Perry and I demonstrate," I said, pulling Percy to the middle of the arena.

We began to fight, him going easy, so that he could demonstrate well. After a few minutes, Percy had trapped me between his sword and my dagger. "That wasn't even that good. She was obviously going easy on baby boy over there," Blake said, receiving a stink eye from most of the camp and a "yeah!" from Clarisse.

*Percy POV*

"If you really want to insult him get out here and spar with Perry yourself. See how you fare. Unless of course the great, "son of Zeus" is too scared," Annabeth called while walking slowly toward Blake's place on the stands.

"You know what. Gladly," he called out, standing up. The whole camp quieted and a certain daughter of Ares shouted, "don't forget your armor, and don't be a wimp, no shirts either." Blake visibly paled at the sound of that comment. He slowly pulled his shirt off, revealing an amazingly defined 1 pack. I put the armor on his shoulders, his knees buckling under the weight.

I ripped off my shirt causing the Aphrodite cabin to swoon and cheer for, as one aphrodite child put it, my, "eight pack so hard you could walk on it." I placed the armor on and assumed position.

Within half of a second, I had my sword an inch from his throat. "Dude, come on. I have trained first years that can defend themselves better than you. Tip from the pros, do not let Zeus hear that you have been galavanting around pretending to be his son. Let's just say that he has zapped me enough times for me to know not to piss him off. So I would suggest not mentioning that again."

Just then Chiron trotted in to say, "The banquet has been pushed forward, to tonight. Also, you will be meeting the seven beforehand, excluding Percy and Annabeth. They will be arriving for the ceremony as they have some business to take care of with some mortals." 

The arena was filled with murmurs as Chiron stood expectantly... The campers soon quieted and stared awkwardly at the centaur. "What, never seen a centaur before?" Percy asked, filling the arena with laughter.

"Anyone want to spar, campers and students alike?" I asked knowing that I would get some volunteers. "What's your name?" I asked a small boy in the front. "Johnny Pinnsilton, son of Ares," he said standing up straight.

He couldn't have been more than twelve, but looked quite strong for his age. The boy was already fully dressed in armor, surely put on him by Clarisse earlier. "Alrighty then, come on up and we can get started then," I called out in response. Upon hearing this he walked forward proudly, and began to get into position. 

Annabeth approached, and adjusted his footing quickly. He took the critique in stride and held stronger in the new position. He was clearly learning very quickly. I took a quick step to the side signaling the start to the session. He ran forward and began to jab at me as I ducked out of the way. He almost got me a few times, as I was going quite easy on him. I got him to the ground, my sword pointed at his throat.

"Good game. But word of warning, I will be beating you soon," he warned, brushing off his legs.

 "Oh, I hope so," I responded, shaking his hand. He was much less annoying than the other Ares kids and I reminded myself that I would have to work with him more when I got a chance.

Many more challengers approached, I beat them all but some got close, like Clarisse. The conch horn blew and the campers left for lunch.

"Okay everyone, lunch. You will be sitting at the guest table. Perry and I will be sitting with you," I said, rounding them up into the dining area.

The meal finished quickly, and just as we finished, we gathered for the rest of the seven's arrival. The 5 of them, as well as Nico, Will, and Calypso landed, dismounting their pegasi. The students, unsure of what to do, bowed. Leo, unsurprisingly, took it and ran.

"Mortals, you may rise," Leo bellowed, wrapping his arm around Calypso's waist. "Knock it off Leo, they just don't know what to do," Piper said, hitting him upside the head.

"Hello," Piper continued, "I am Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of love. I am one of the seven, Hero of Olympus, girlfriend of Jason Grace. I am counselor of cabin ten, wielder of katoptris, master of charm-speak. I am daughter of mortal star, Tristan Mclean. I think that's it. Oh no, handler of Arion too," she rattled off.

The rest did their full titles, so after, like TWENTY WHOLE MINUTES they were done.

Goode's trip to... Olympus?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora