When you get hurt on a mission

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You were on a mission and you were fighting some ninjas from the rain village. You got cut on your right cheek. When you got home there was a bandage on your face. When you and Boruto returned home your father was there. Hey you two, he said in a cheery voice and you both smiled at him. But as soon as he saw there was a bandage on you face he looked pissed.  Y/n why is there a bandage on your face? He asked and you knew you father when one of you got hurt ever a scratch he would make that person pay. I just got cut on the cheek with a knife dad and it's not deep so it's fine, you tried to reassure him. He sighed and ruffled your hair. As long as all of you are safe and aren't horrible injured or on the brik of death then I'll believe you this time,he said and you all sat down and ate. After that everything went back to normal.
You came home after a mission and you had a huge bruise on your left arm near your shoulder. Your father wouldn't say anything he would just stare at your shoulder especially if you didn't have your cloak on. Dad your starting to creep me out, you said. Hn, he said and looked away. Hu,you huffed and stood up and walked over to your father and sat beside him. He turned to where he was facing you. Sasuke lifted his hand and rested it on your shoulder. You winced slightly. He removed his hand and mumbled "sorry". When he looked at your shoulder again he growled lowly. Who did this he asked and he looked serious. I was fighting three ninja on the last mission and while I was dealing with the first two the other one punched me really hard in the shoulder and then forced me into the ground and continued to hit that spot.... mom said I'm lucky it wasn't worse then this, you murmured the last part and then smiled weakly at him. I delt with them though. You will always my little Uchiha Y/n... you and your sister and your mother will always be dear to me and I will do everything to protect you I swear it, he said and you smiled weakly once again. I know dad. You headed to bad the last thought you had was "you will always be there no matter what" you thought and drifted off to sleep.
With your torso wrapped in bandages. When you father saw he was beyond pissed off. What happened he said as he tried his hardest not to scream or lose his cool in front of you and your brother. I got cut almost all the way across my torso, you said and you looked at the ground. I'm pathetic, you whispered as you tried not to cry. Your father bent down and lifted your head to where you were face to face with him. Listen to me kiddo, your far from weak or pathetic, he said. Hey how bout this you come with me and will both beat up that ass holes ass, he said and you smiled as your mother and brother walked into the room. Will do it as a family, you mother said as she started to crack her knuckles and crabbed her fan. With that the four of you went and beat the dudes ass and he was left beaten and bloody.
You can home with a black eye. Your uncles were there. Needless to say they were all really pissed. It was kinda scary to be honest. They beat the shit out of the one that gave you the black eye the good thing was they weren't kids. You knew they would always have your back.
You came back from a mission and you were limping. You tried to hide it but failed. You knocked on your fathers office door. Everyone knew you were the Kazakage's daughter so it was no surprise when they saw you. The thing that made them a little shocked and worried was that you were limping. You tried to assure them that you would be okay but that's not what worried them and you knew it wasn't. Oh no what worried them was your fathers wrath. They knew that when something happed to you or to someone you or he held dear it would not be good for the one that caused the problem. Anyway back to you. You took a deep breath and knocked softly on your fathers door. You heard "come in". You took one more deep breath and opened the door. Y/n, he said and looked at you and smiled one of his rare smiles

Hey dad, you said softly which you didn't do very often you were a lot like your father so you usually talked in a monotoned voice

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Hey dad, you said softly which you didn't do very often you were a lot like your father so you usually talked in a monotoned voice. Y/n are you alright as his face switched to worry

 Y/n are you alright as his face switched to worry

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Pain shot through your leg. You bent down and wrapped your hands around you leg and winced. Even with the one tailed you still got injured and at his point you didn't know how bad it was or could have been. Gaara stood up and walked over to you and bent down in front of you. Y/n what's wrong, he asked and you winced as he lifted you and set you on his desk. He lifted your pants and saw your leg anger was read all over his face. You glanced up at him and saw his face and then the looked back down. He let this finger put a small amount of presser on it. You hissed in pain and your eyes screwed in a pained expression. He took his finger off and his anger was replaced with worry. You looked at him and you felt guilt he shouldn't feel bad for your stupidity. You let you legs fall as he stood and was face to face with you. Y/n what happened how did this happen? He asked. I was on a mission and got thrown onto the ground and then the twisted my leg but not enough to break it luckily, you mumbled the last word as you looked at him. I killed them and then made my way back here. At this point I think it's fractured or cracked, you said and looked at him. Dad it's not your fault I should have known that that would happen, you said and looked down frustrated and upset. Y/n look at me, your dad said. I looked up to where you were facing him. It's not your fault you got hurt during a fight that happens, he said and tears weld in your eyes. I know that but still I....you trailed off. I didn't want them to come after you. You said and looked at him as tears slid down your face. Y/n it's okay I'm just glad your safe, he said and you agreed and everything that just happened was not within his anger he just wanted you safe.
You had fought with team seven and came back to the cave with a broken wrist. Your father saw you and saw that your wrist was broken. Pein came into the room and helped with your wrist and then your father told you you couldn't go on missions alone for a while you complained but knew he would stand his ground so you had to wait until you were better and had to wait almost 2 more years before you could go by your self again.
You were on a mission with Naruto and the others and Naruto accidentally stabbed you with his kurini in the leg. Blood ran down your leg as you and fell onto one knee. Y/n are you okay?! Naruto asked. Ahh Sakura get Kakashi- sensei! Naruto screamed as he along with Sasuke finished the enemies. Your father ran to you and Naruto. Naruto what happened? He asked and Naruto looked away in guilt. We were fighting together against one of the enemies and put her in front of me so I stabbed her by mistake. Naruto it's okay, Kakashi said and Naruto still felt bad. Sakura you can heal her right? Kakashi asked and she nodded and started to heal you. After she healed you you all went back to the village and Naruto continued to blame himself but after about a month he finally stopped blaming himself.
End of chapter
Me: I know Gaara was really long but I don't really know why I did it that way but I just thought Gaara was the best to make the longest. Don't attack me please

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