The things you do together

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When ever he has he's day off he spends it with you and your siblings. You all go to the back yard and train together. After you train for awhile he takes you to get Ramen. He tells you about his past and what he's family and friends did for him and what happened with team 7 and the great ninja war that they won as well. The ones that risked their lives for him and how he made it up to them. All in all days off with your father is never boring.
When ever your dad is off he always spends time with You, Sakura and your sister. The four of you would walk around the villiage. Naruto would make sure that he was off for things like your birthdays and his. Holidays as well but he never complained it gives him the chance to catch up with all of you. He loves that there are so many things you both got from him and your mother. He would train with you and help you rises you Sharikgen's power. He tells you about your grandparents and uncle Itachi you have both always been amazed by both of your parents clans but you always found more interest in the uchiha clan sense it was your clan as well and that you would be the next generation. There was always one thing your father wanted you to promise him and that was you would make your own future and not fall down the path and make the mistakes he made and that was the promise every time and the promise was kept.
When ever he would come home he would teach the two of you different tactics and different pawns and other parts on the bored. You were like your mother and father unlike your brother who was like your father. When ever you trained with him he also taught you new justu or never failed to be fun and help you learn more. When ever you uncles came along with your cousin it made it better. No matter what happened you know that your father would always be there for you.
When ever he was home with you when he could be he always helped you with your puppets. He helped you with your justu and to fix or mend the puppets that were broken. When you learned to control it you would go against and every time he did win but you were improving every time. One of the times you were in the leaf village you went against your cousin you won with your puppets and you smiled in triumph and your dad and uncles and aunt said you did really well. Your cousin wanted a rematch so that's what it was and you won. You knew you would grow up like your father and you had no sense problem with it and neither did your family. You would be a great puppet master and you wouldn't let your father down.
You had been sealed with the one tailed behind your fathers back and your brother wasn't scared of you neither was your father. You could control sand like he could. Day after day you would train with your brother and father and over time you controlled it and you knew that you would always had your family that had your back.
He tells you to train with the other members of the Akasuki you always did and some times you father did train with you but the real thing you did together was cook. It was fun and you learned a new thing every day.
When ever you trained with the rest of team 7 you went against your father you out matched Naruto and Sasuke. When ever you and Sasuke used the chidori the two of you always got blow back and both hit a tree but that was the only thing that he could match you with. Even at home the two of you would train together. No matter what happened you would one day best your father that was your goal and he knew it was so every day you trained and got stronger. You knew one day you would no longer be able to train with your father but for right then and at the time that was you favorite thing to do with him and that would never change.
End of chapter two

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