Chapter 15: Thanksgiving Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

"No!" I was the first one to exclaim, my eyes widening in shock. "Absolutely no!"

The room burst into noise, everyone yelling, everyone talking, everyone putting up a fuss.

"You can't make us do that!"

"That's unfair!"

"It's illegal! She doesn't have custody!"

"She's a monster!"

"I'm not going!" I yelled, my voice the loudest above everyone else.

"Marley, calm down, it's not as bad as it seems." My dad sighed, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Not as bad as it seems?" I asked in shock. "Do you hear yourself?"

"Don't be rude." My dad said suddenly.

I leaned back against the couch, crossing my arms.

"Trust me, this is the last thing I wanted for you guys. We'll still have this house, I'll come home on most weekends, as often as I can. I'll only be about four hours away. But I know that the five of you won't want to move out of Michigan while you're still in high school."

"Sucks to suck. I wouldn't want to live with that crazy woman." Alex teased, shoving my shoulder.

"Not helping." I hissed at him, tears filling my eyes as I stood up from the couch.

Alex's face fell once he saw that he made me cry, his brotherly instincts taking over his clownish behavior.

"Marley don't go you-"

"Dad, I'm taking your car." I told him, sliding on a pair of flip flops.

"Where are you-"

"I'm going out." I said shortly as I grabbed the keys and walked out of the house.

"Marley!" I heard my dad call as I slammed the front door behind me.

I drove to the first place I could think of.

Logan's house.

I went in through the back door, hoping that his parents wouldn't see me.

"Marley? Is that you?" Mrs. Hamilton called happily from the kitchen.

"Yea hi! Sorry I didn't think you'd be home. I was just stopping by to see Logan." I said, forcing a smile on my face as I turned around the corner to see her.

"He's sleeping right now but I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." Mrs. Hamilton smiled. "Darling, are you okay?" She frowned, seeing that I'd been crying.

I nodded, feeling my bottom lip start to quiver.

"I'm just uh, I'm gonna go upstairs now." I said softly, taking a deep breath as I jogged up the stairs.

All of the lights were off in Logan's room, a small shimmer of light coming from the window with the shades half drawn.

I left the lights off as I laid down next to my boyfriend. He was slightly snoring, which would be adorable in any other circumstance.

"Logan." I whispered, poking his shoulder.

"Hmm..." He mumbled, his eyes fluttering slightly.

"Babe, I need to talk to you." I said, a tear slipping down the side of my cheek onto the pillow.

Logan's eyes sleepily opened, unfocused for a minute before they found my face.

"Are you crying?" He frowned, his voice thick with sleep.

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