"Looks like they've started without you," Draco said. "You might as well give up."

"They're doing warmup laps."

"I'm messing with you, Potter. Loosen up."

"Piss off, Malfoy," Harry said with a grin.

"Yeah, alright. Good luck."


The wind kissed his face like an old friend as Harry kicked off from the ground. Though the Nimbus hardly had the turning ability of the Firebolt, it still flew beautifully. Harry landed on the pitch without so much as a whisper from his feet. Slightly breathless, Harry palmed his broomstick and walked over to Ginny, who yelled to the flyers above and gestured at them with a clipboard.

"Tryouts are supposed to start now, you lot! Come down! Oh, hiya, Harry," Ginny gave him a glance.

"Hey, Ginny."

"Just a minute..." Ginny pulled out her wand and touched it to her throat. "Sonorus. COME DOWN, PLEASE."

With an overpowering whooshing noise, dozens of scarlet-clad athletes landed in a group in front of her, some less gracefully than others. Among the faces, Harry saw only a couple he recognized from the tryouts and subsequent team two years prior.

"Hello, everyone. I know you're all excited to fly, but-" Ginny glanced at Harry again, who stood next to her. "Potter, could you stand with our prospective players, please?"

"Oh, right." Harry shuffled to the crowd and faced her. He missed being captain, but Ginny was no doubt talented, and indeed more professional than he had ever been. She's never called me Potter before, he thought, with a small sinking feeling.

"I'm glad to see such enthusiastic players and a great number at that. Of course, that means it'll be harder than ever to pick our team. If you're willing to work hard and put in the hours..."

Harry tuned out the spiel he'd heard and given many times before. He looked up to the bleachers, where a small crowd of fans had gathered. Sitting apart from them, Draco appeared as an all-black figure with a shock of blond hair and a stripe of green about his throat. Harry knew precisely how meticulously the scarf was tied, and somehow felt pleased to be aware of that detail.

"But of course, the most important thing is to have fun and try not to break any bones," Ginny said with a broad, Fred-like grin. "Break up into your groups and let's get started!"

Harry stood frozen, suddenly wishing he had paid attention, as the rest of the players split up. Luckily, Ginny gestured for him to stand with her.

"Do you mind helping me out today?" She said, keeping a close eye on the players as they lined up to score against the first potential keeper. "The few people who were going to try out for Seeker decided not to once they saw you sign up."

"That's a shame. It would've been nice to get to know the talent for next year."

"My thoughts exactly!" Ginny flashed a smile at him, then made a few marks on her clipboard.

Standing so close to her, Harry felt a wave of awkwardness settle over him. Remembering how he used to hold her, how sweetly he'd kiss her...it seemed almost silly now to backpedal into being friends.

Draco caught his eye, and Harry realized that the same could be said for the Slytherin. After all, they'd been bitter rivals for years, and now they grew steadily more comfortable with each other as any pair of new friends would. If an enemy could become a friend, couldn't a lover also?

"Harry..." Ginny began as she waved the first group down, "Look, I know we haven't spoken much since..."

"Since you broke up with me, yeah."

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