The North Pole. End of sentence.

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Third Person POV

John was tired. John was hungry. And John was bored.

He had gotten home late, many hours past his usual bed time. He was then woken up a few hours later, only to find out that he was late for school. Finally, when he had arrived, he found out that the teacher had planned a pop quiz for that specific school day.

So it was safe to say that when Damian arrived, he was in a considerably bad mood.

"Any day now, Kent."

Which brings us to our current situation.

After being released from his classes, John was hoping to grab a bite from the cafeteria since he had missed lunch because of the quiz. However, Damian had arrived just before he entered to bring him to the North Pole.

"Can I at least eat first?" John groaned.

"You can eat on the way." Damian said curtly, before turning around and heading off campus to where he had hidden his vehicle.

John groaned again and began trudging after his friend.

As he walked down the hallway, he passed a girl who smiled sympathetically at him.

"John, right?" She asked.

"Yeah?" He mumbled, not really sure what was happening.

"I'm Susan from your English class." The girl explained, grabbing hold of his hand and shaking it. "You look extremely tired. Is there any way I can help?"

"No, but thanks for asking." John yawned, feeling even sleepier.

The girl stared at him for a moment before nodding and heading off in the opposite direction.

After what felt like hours of agonizing twists and turns, John finally arrived in front of Damian.

"What took you so long?" Damian growled, growing impatient.

His only response was a yawn.

Rolling his eyes, Damian opened the door to the jet and shoved John inside.

"This is no time for games." He said simply, sliding into the front seat. And though he looked indifferent, he was growing more and more concerned for his friends health.

If John were still aware of his surroundings, he would have teased Damian over that fact. Unfortunately, he had passed out from lack of sleep the moment he entered the vehicle.

Damian looked at him one last time before turning back to the windshield and twisting the key.

- Back in Gotham -

Bruce had not slept.

Not even a few seconds.

This hadn't affected him much, but he had to admit, he was a little tired.

After sending Damian and Tim to school, he had retreated back into the cave for more research.

Unknown to the two boys, he had placed trackers in their bags, drinks, and clothes during the previous night.

Bruce refused to lose anymore of his children, paranoia pushing him to use every precaution.

Typing quickly on his computer, Bruce opened up the program and checked the location of each tracker.

Everything seemed to be in order until Bruce checked Damian's last tracker.

It was impossible to surprise the Batman. Everyone knew that.

So when Bruce's eyes widened in an inaudible gasp, it was very possible that the world was ending.

Damian's tracker was in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, heading towards the North Pole.

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