Trying something new.

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Third Person POV

T'was a silent night and all was still.

Except for the screaming, loud and shrill.

Tim was sitting inside the cave.

The lighting was dark, but he still stood brave.

Unholy yelling filled the air.

As the demon spawn cursed and pulled at his hair.

"I'll get that darn Claus if it's the last thing I'll do!"

"Go to sleep Damian, you're bedtime's past due."

And so, there was madness, this isn't something new.

"What did you expect?" I asked, as chaos ensued.

- The poem ends here -

Tim groaned as he heard Bruce scolding Damian. Sometimes, he couldn't understand what was wrong with his messed up family.

But, as Dick said, they were his family and he cared for them anyway.

Except for the demon. Yeah, they didn't really like each other.

The third Robin racked his brain for an explanation for the current situation. Apparently, Dick was missing. That much was obvious. But there were also the facts that Jason had dropped by earlier only to talk to the demon and leave. And the fact that Damian was going nuts over some Santa hat which they had run tests on multiple times.

Tim was very confused. And that was a fact.

- With Damian -

Damian needed a new plan.

Clearly, only he could rescue Grayson and free his family from the evil clutches of Claus.

Oh, and also Drake, but he didn't really matter.

What could he do in this situation?

Clearly, the evidence was going to be no help in tracking down the villain and he couldn't rely on anyone other than Todd for information.

Could he even rely on Todd?

Damian shook his head to rid himself of these thoughts. Of course he could trust Todd.

Though he would never admit it, he was scared. His most trusted partner, his brother, was stolen from under his nose. Inside, he knew that if Todd proves to be under the control of Claus, he would be left alone to deal with the situation. He didn't want that.

There was no information on the villain in the database. And Damian was at his wits end. He absolutely refused to just sit around and rely on Todd for everything. 

What could he do?

Suddenly, an idea hit him.

Damian grinned madly as a new determination drove itself through his veins.

He would make sure that Santa paid dearly.

As he said before, no one that messed with Grayson could get away with it.

He was going to hit Santa right in the heart.

Damian was making a trip to the North Pole.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the poem! Bye!

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