But she can't. Though it starts with only two or three, even more people come and grab Agent Santos from behind. The agent struggles and is able to free herself, though stops when multiple gun barrels dig into her sides.

"Is it just the two of you?" Agent Santos looks at Mia. They both nod. "Good. We don't need any—"

"Wait." The green-eyed man looks at Mia. "We'll let you two go if you promise to leave the premises."


"And no tricks. You must promise to go as far away from here and not disrupt our plans."

Agent Santos's face contorts with frustration and conflict. After a moment, she nods. Reluctantly, the dark-eyed man lets go of Mia. The other figures release the agent.

Slowly, Mia and Agent Santos exit the room together. Two of the guys walk behind them, making sure that they leave as instructed. Mia's mind spins. She can't believe that they're going to escape this. If she hadn't met that man earlier today, would he have been so generous to them? There is no way of knowing. Either way, she's glad she did.

The two get into Agent Santos's car and drive away. The agent's brows are furrowed. Her knuckles turn white against the wheel. Mia looks down at her shoes. Did she mess up the mission? If she hadn't been caught, Mia could have helped her. They could have taken all of them down together.

Mia couldn't have, though. There is no way she could have made it through all of those people without getting caught. Though some of them seemed to have as little training as she does, there were also some of them who did. She would have gotten caught no matter what.

Mia sighs. "I'm sorry." After all that she has done, she thinks that Agent Santos deserves an explanation. A reason as to why the mission failed. To know that she's not the one to blame. "I'm not an agent. I'm...I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier."

The agent lets out a long breath. She tears her eyes away from the road and looks at Mia. Agent Santos smiles. "I know."

"What?" She didn't expect that response. "How?"

"Well, you chose a taser as your weapon." She doesn't sound angry. She almost laughs. Mia can't help but smile. "Honestly, your plan wasn't that bad for not being an agent. And you lasted much longer than other people would have. I'm impressed."

"Even though I ruined your mission?"

"There's no way Agent White and I could have taken down so many people on our own, no matter how talented she is. I overestimated how many people the Manger brothers got involved."

The Manger brothers...is the one with green eyes one of the brothers? When Mia first heard about them, she thought that they would be much scarier than they are. He just seems like a regular man. She didn't know what she had expected, though. A villain is just as much a person as any other citizen is.

Agent Santos offers to take Mia home. Mia gives her the address. The agent doesn't appear to be as angry as she was before. "Is there any way to stop them? Maybe find their hide-out or something?"

She gives her a sideways glance. A smile tugs on her lips. "No need. I called for back up."

Mia's brows raise. Surely the Manger brothers hadn't expected that. Or maybe they had. Either way, it's no longer Mia's problem. She has never been more relieved.

The trip to her house seems never-ending. All of the action has made Mia exhausted, but she doesn't want to fall asleep in Agent Santos's car. She stares ahead with heavy eyelids, trying to stay awake.

"You know, I'm glad that you're not an agent."

She looks at Agent Santos, surprised and a little hurt. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." She stares at her for a moment before looking back at the road. "You see, I try to remain...professional with my colleagues. But seeing as you're not an agent..."

Mia suddenly doesn't feel tired. Her heart skips a beat. Is she saying what she thinks she's saying?

"Would you like to go to dinner with me? Thursday, maybe?"

"Yes...yes, absolutely." Mia doesn't know what she has planned Thursday, but it doesn't matter. In her head, her calendar is completely clear. She can't help but smile. This is a totally unexpected but wonderful turn of events.

They arrive at Mia's house. She looks at Agent Santos for a second before getting out.

"So, I'll see you Thursday, Agent..." she hesitates.

"Mia. My name is Mia."

She nods and smiles. "Sam."

Sam. Such a beautiful name.

"I'll see you Thursday, Mia." Sam starts the car and drives away. Mia watches as the agent leaves, smiling uncontrollably.

See you Thursday.


You throw your hands in the air, smiling happily. "I totally called it. I. Ship. It."

The computer doesn't respond. You watch the giddy girl walk into her house. Though you had hoped that their mission could have gone better, it is still a great ending. Hopefully, the agents and police have made it to the museum by now and have stopped the robbery.

Not that it matters, you think. The game's over, why does that matter?

A realization dawns on you. Lincoln Museum. Isn't that an actual place? It sounds like a popular name, so it could be a coincidence. Either that or the game got inspiration from actual places, which is pretty cool.

Your phone buzzes. A news article pops up. Your eyes widen. What the...?

"Wait...is this actua—"

You feel something prick your shoulder. You look, surprised to see a small dart piercing your skin. You try to say something, but your body relaxes and your eyelids drop as you slip into unconsciousness.

Congratulations! You just got the IN THE WAY ending! Go back to "1. Morning" in order to try again!

Ending: 18/19

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