3. Black Coffee

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Black coffee. No additions, just the simple, easy thing. Mia knows that it can be whipped out quickly and give her plenty of caffeine to get through the day. And if it isn't, then Mia will get some cheap coffee at work during her lunch break.

Mia orders and waits for her coffee. Once her name is called, she grabs it off of the counter and heads outside to her car. She takes a swig, her tongue retracting from the scorching heat. Not wanting to burn off her tongue, she waits for it to cool before taking another sip.

Before she can reach her car, a hand grabs her wrist. Mia tries to scream, but another hand covers her mouth. She drops her coffee in shock. The lid falls off and the liquid spills all over the asphalt.

Her eyes dart around, searching for anyone to help her. Conveniently, no one seems to be around. They are either inside Serene Caffeine or are in the other stores nearby.

"I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth," a low voice mutters from behind her. "Nod if you understand."

Mia nods. Though the hand uncovers her mouth, the one gripping her hand remains firm. She turns around to look at the man. He's wearing a black shirt and tight jeans. He has blonde, longer hair and brooding eyes. Her hands start to tremble. She doesn't understand what he wants from her. Money? She only has the change that she got after purchasing her coffee, which she's hoping to use to buy lunch later. If he wants to rob someone, then he should one, not be in the middle of a parking lot early in the morning and two, find someone else to steal from because Mia doesn't have much in her wallet.

"Let her go, Zander."

Mia turns to see another man with dark shades and a brown, thick jacket on. He places the toothpick that he's holding between his lips and crosses his arms.

"Carson?" Who Mia assumes is Zander sounds surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Eating breakfast." He takes his shades off. "Guess I got lucky."

Now that the man has taken his sunglasses off, Mia can see his face better. She gasps in shock. Though he doesn't have his outfit on, she can tell that it's Night Watch, the beloved superhero. What is he doing here? What's going on?

The hero extends his hand towards Mia. "You have nothing to fear. I'll safely lead you to your car and make sure that Zander doesn't follow you."

She looks at the hero, overwhelmed with confusion. She had thought that today was going to be normal. Who knew that getting a cup of coffee instead of going straight to work would lead to a hero-villain intervention?

"No!" Zander grips her wrist tighter. He pulls Mia in so that he's whispering in her ear. "Look, I don't want to hurt you. But I really, really need a break, and this is it. Please, if you come with me and just hang out for an hour or so, I'll let you go, okay?"

Mia moves to take Night Watch's hand. Then, she looks back at Zander. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become apart of an unpredictable adventure. Who knows what can happen if she goes with him? And he promised that she will be safe and be back home. For some reason, she believes him. But whatever plan he has is certainly targeted towards Night Watch, and she isn't sure if she can willingly be apart of a plot against him.

Man, Mia thinks, what should I do?

Hmm...this is a tricky one. I'm not sure how you were able to get Mia in a problem like this so quickly... You should get her life back on track as quickly as you can—if that's even possible at this point. It's up to you.

Go with Zander ... Chapter 6

Go with Night Watch ... Chapter 7

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