17. "I'm Andrea"

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"Let her go, Zander," Night Watch says. He looks at Mia, smiling slightly. Mia smiles back.

"Good to see you, too," the Malice replies. "I have to say, I'm impressed with how well you've kept your secret from Andrea."

The hero is silent for a moment. He looks over at Mia before looking back at the Malice. "Don't."

His acting is incredible. His voice shakes with fake emotion and his eyes harden with determination. The Malice chuckles. Though Mia can't see his face, she can assume that the villain is smirking proudly.

"What? You don't want me to tell her that—"

Though it's slight, Night Watch twiddles his fingers. Mia quickly catches it. That's the cue. She had expected to have been tied to the chair, but the Malice hadn't bothered. She easily stands up and kicks him square in the back. He stumbles forward in shock. The impact causes Mia to fall back into the chair.

The Malice quickly turns his head, glaring at Mia. Her heart stops. She springs back up and gets behind the chair.

She doesn't have to use it, though, for the diversion gives Night Watch enough time to grab a weapon from his pocket and shoot the villain with it. Mia's eyes widen. She didn't know that he planned to shoot him.

The man limply falls to the floor. Though his body doesn't move, Mia sees his eyes look around the room frantically.

"That'll paralyze him for a bit," Night Watch explains. "Let's get him into the car."

The hero binds the Malice's hands in case it wears off before their car ride is over. It takes a lot of effort, but Mia and Night Watch manage to get his limp body into the back of the hero's car. Night Watch whistles a pleasant tune as he drives the three back to his house. Mia keeps looking back at the Malice, waiting to see if he'll start moving. His muscles twitch, but he doesn't move from the awkward position he's lying in.

Night Watch parks his car in front of his house. Mia finds it strange that he drives the villain to his house. Won't the villain know where he lives now? Night Watch doesn't seem to care about that.

"You can stay in the car," he tells Mia. "I'll take you home. Can you move your legs, Zander?"

The Malice grunts as he tries to move his limbs. His feet wiggle slightly.

"Alright, I'll bring you in."

Struggling, Night Watch gets the Malice out of the car and wraps his arm around his shoulders. With an immense amount of effort, the villain turns his head to look at Mia.

"This isn't over," he says. Mia's face pales. She didn't expect him to be able to talk. The words settle in her stomach, making her want to vomit. Why did he direct that at her? Isn't this between him and the hero?

They go inside. Night Watch returns after a minute and gets back in his car. He starts it and they head for her house.

She sits silently, numb. She did the right thing by helping Night Watch, right? She didn't think that she'd be involved any longer after this. It had been fun, but now she just wants to go back to her care-free life.

Maybe she will. Maybe the Malice just gave her an empty threat to scare her. If so, it's working.

"Alright, here you are." Night Watch stops the car. Mia looks out the window. Her car is parked in front of her house, just like yesterday.

Mia looks at the hero. "Are you going to tell him that I'm not Andrea?"

"What?" Night Watch laughs. Mia doesn't. He grows serious. "Mia, I really, really appreciate you helping me. Because of you, my girlfriend will never be found by the Malice."

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