Can I Love You?

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Author's note

Heyooo, it's been a while since I published anything 😶 Well I've been busy with life and stuff 😅 But I finally got the time to write and I'm glad to see that the 3 one shots have received this much love 🥺💕
Ahem so here's a looong one shot since I'm back after a long time. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it 🥺💖

Rosé's Pov

Deep breaths, deep breaths

"Jennie.... I'm trying to do my work here"

The petite figure ignored the request and continued to sit sideways in the taller girl's lap.

"Don't tell me what to do I'm older than you, Rosie" She lifted her eyebrow and continued to read from her book.

Rosé griped the pen tightly and continued to write but the feeling of the warm body against her frame wasn't allowing her to concentrate.

Why is she wearing a tank top and short shorts... I can't concentrate at all

The clock ticked on, and the only sounds that could be heard were the turning of pages and scribbling of pen.

A few minutes passed by and Jennie shifted in her place and stradled Rosé's thighs.

"When will you be done?" She asked pouting and griped Rosé's shoulders.

She looks so cute pouting like that... But more importantly this position... I need to stay in my senses and not do something that I'll regret later on.

Rosé took nervous breaths in and gulped unnoticed.

"Jennie I-I still have some work left" She clenched her pen, keeping her gaze down.

Jennie pulled her lower lip in and said in a disappointed voice "But you're always busy these days... You come back from school and lock yourself up, only coming out for lunch and dinner... You won't even look me in the eyes these days" Tears were on the edge of falling "Please tell me if I did something wrong... I can't handle you being d-distant from me" Her voice broke in the end.

No this isn't what I wanted to happen... I just want you to be happy...

Rosé stretched her hand up and cupped the puffed up cheek.

"It's not your fault Jennie" Rosé pressed her lips together "I'm just busy with school stuff nothing else" She gave a weak smile in the end, her eyes avoiding the chocolate brown orbs.

Lie.... I'm just making myself busy by doing extra work

"Is that so?" Jennie asked still not completely satisfied with the reply "You're not hiding anything from me, are you?"

I am... I'm hiding this painful secret since I met you two years ago

Rosé placed her hand on the slim waist and pulled the shorter girl in for a embrace, hiding her face in the crook of her neck "I'm not, everything's fine between us"

I can't look you in the eyes and lie

"Don't overwork yourself" Jennie gently ran her fingers through the platinum locks and kissed her on the head " Your health is more important okay"

Please don't be so kind to me... I don't deserve your kindness

Rosé breathed in the calming scent of Jennie. She missed it. She missed it soo much that she couldn't let go, despite her mind constantly warning her to let go.

Don't get too close. You have to let go -

"It tickles" Jennie giggled

Rosé lifted her face up, still keeping Jennie in her arms.

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