To Pearson With Love Part I

Start from the beginning

          "It's not Bruno's fault!" Hanako moved her head to the front, focusing on the road before her eyes, as she started driving through the street.

"What do you mean?" Crow looked at her with curiosity and with no idea what she wanted to say, but since she was already on the go, he just followed her, shouting behind her back, trying to retain her attention, "Hey, Baby!"

          "I'll explain it to you later", Hanako shouted, speeding away and enjoying the ride back home, leaving Crow far behind.

"Hey, wait for me!" Crow shouted, but just when he tried to catch her, he stopped his runner and looked back to the graveyard, "See you later, Pearson!" He smiled, touching his forehead with his two fingers and slowly pulling them away as a sign of salute, "I promise to come back again And I'll bring your Desert Flower with me!"

*  *  *

          Since Crow had some problems with Blackbird during the visit to Pearson's grave, Hanako asked him to leave his D-Wheel in the garage that afternoon, so that she can check what was going on, even though she knew she can't do much about it. But before she was even able to try exploring the cause behind Blackbird's strange behaviour, Bruno managed to grab that place first, as he started running some tests on Crow's runner.

"This is strange!" He murmured, looking at the programme, while the laptop was wired to the Blackbird, "Why won't the engine system work if I activate the decompresser?" He started typing the command into the programme all over again, trying to run the scan, but the same error showed on the screen for the second time, "What's this error?"

          "Have you been able to fix it?" Yusei asked curiously, seeing how Bruno was struggling, so he approached him from behind.

"There's a strange circuit", Bruno just answered, showing Yusei the error from the screen.

          "Strange circuit?"

"It looks like it has something to do with this part", Bruno explained, pointing his finger to the screen, so Yusei leaned over his knees and looked closer at the programme scan.

          "Let me see..."

While Yusei was checking the error of the programme with Bruno, he realised how Bruno wasn't able to gain access to one part of Blackbird, which prevented them from running a full scan, so Bruno tried to find a solution, "Maybe we should explore this part here to see..."

          "You guys!" Crow's loud voice interrupted them as soon as he entered the garage and saw Bruno and Yusei playing around with his Blackbird all over again, "Hey, hey, what are you trying to do this time?"

"Ah, Crow", Bruno just said with a smile like nothing was happening, "I was adjusting the programme and found a strange circuit..."

          "Strange circuit?" Crow asked loudly, running to the laptop to see what Bruno was talking about.

"No matter what I do, I can't access it any further", Bruno said, explaining to Crow what was going on and hoping that maybe Crow will know what was going on, but he seemed as confused as both him and Yusei... Their confused faces caught Hanako's attention, as soon as she got down from the kitchen, because she heard Crow shouting like a maniac, so she got downstairs to check what was happening.

          "Well, in any case", Crow shrugged, "Be careful and try not to break it!" He added, feeling like giving up, as he started walking away, because he had no idea what Bruno was talking about, but then Hanako ran to them and stopped Crow from leaving.

"Breaking it?" She asked with her eyes widened, so she pulled herself together and shook her head, moving to Bruno and Yusei, "Let me see what is the problem, Bruno!"

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