A very well thought out title for the chapter.

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Deku's POV

"D-did you just s-say Shie H-Hassaikai!?!?" I practically screamed throughout the whole building.
"Yeah, I did, and if you're any louder, it's not gonna be a base anymore, it's gonna be a funeral home! Now be quiet!" I visibly flinch against my own will when Zuki yelled at me. I've always had problems with people yelling at me or suddenly touching me. It's just anxiety from my past, no thanks to Bakugo. "Okay, now that you shut up, I am going to take you to the washroom so you can take a bath and look at least a little presentable to meet with Overhaul." Zuki said while sighing out of visible annoyance. Look dude, I know I'm annoying, you don't have to be so rude about it. Is what I wanted to say, but... I would like to keep my life so I just responded with a quiet "okay" as we began walking to the washroom. "Alright, so here's how this is going to work" Zuki said while pushing me into the restroom. "You are going to take a shower while I set out some clothes for you, then you are going to change and come get me, I will be in the room connected to this one, so I can hear everything you do or say, keep this in mind and don't be an idiot and run off or something mkay?" And before I could even give him a response he started talking again. "Mkay glad we are on the same page, now get your butt in there and hurry up. We don't have all day. Take longer than 20 minutes in the shower and I'm turning the water off on you." He said as he shut the door and walked away to I assume would be a bedroom connected to the bathroom. Well, I might as well actually shower, I am covered in dirt and... is that... is that blood!? You know what, I would be better off not thinking too much about this. I thought to myself as I turned on the shower and started to undress while waiting for it to get warm.


After I got out of the shower I dried myself off with a towel that was given to me by Zuki when he brought me my clothes. What kind of outfit is this!?!? I think to myself while staring at the overly fancy suit that for some reason didn't have a tie??? Whatever, I will take what I can get. I thought while I sighed and thought about how worried my mother must be. Im sure everyone must be worried right about now... my mother... all might.. maybe even Kacchan... well... let's not go that far. I just hope that my mother isn't freaking out. I made my way over to the door that connected the bathroom to the bedroom when all of the sudden the door came slamming open hitting me square in the face causing me to fall back onto my bum. "Oww" I said while rubbing my nose making sure it wasn't broken while getting up to get a tissue or piece of toilet paper to stop the bleeding. "Oh crap, sorry, didn't know you were there." Zuki said while awkwardly scratching the nape of his neck. "It's fine." I grumbled our hoping to god that my nose wasn't broken. "Oh thank god.." I mumbled once the bleeding stopped and I could feel my nose again noticing that it was in fact, perfectly fine minus a bruise from the impact of the door smacking me smack dab in the face. "Alright! Well now that you are all cleaned up and ready to go it's time for you to meet with Overhaul to discuss what we are going to do with you from this point forward." Zuki said while yanking me out the door and into the hallway by the arm as I struggled to find my balance and keep up with him at the same time. "Oh goodie" I said sarcastically while I rolled my eyes. "Ohoho, hero boy has some sas eh?" He said as he turned his head around to look at me and smirked" I said nothing back to him and just tilted my head to the ground and apparently started mumbling gibberish out originally directed towards Zuki but eventually falling on the topic of what Overhaul could possibly want with me. "Oi, brat, were here so can you shut up now?" Zuki said while hitting me across the head just hard enough to get my attention. "O-oh... sorry" I said just quiet enough that he had to strain his ears to hear me. "Whatever, I'm leaving now that I brought you here so just take a step through that door in front of you. I want to leave tho, so do hurry up because I can't trust that you will actually go in." He said while glaring daggers into the back of my head. Well.. I thought as I gulped and went to push open the doors that could possibly hold the key to my demise. Here goes nothing...


Oh my god I took so facking long to get this chapter out ('Д') I'm so sorry, I have no excuses other than I have been super lazy and forgot about actually needing to publish a chapter.. I know I'm a really crappy author for not publishing sooner but do understand that I am trying. Again, I'm sorry I took so long, I understand if some of you guys leave from just not being able to handle my painfully slow updates. I won't get mad, I just want to say thank you for reading part of my book at least. Bye bye all my insomniacs! I love you all!(*''*)
Byeee! (*''*)

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