+Prospector x reader: Patience+

Start from the beginning

The face you can't say no to.

Panic starts to stir in your mind and clouds your thoughts as your quickly pack whatever you think could be helpful for your trip. Trip? Could you call this a trip? Where are you leaving? Why? What should you pack in first? You just grab the first things that your feel under your fingers. Dress, shoes, socks, was that a skirt? You never believed this would happen one day even though Norton warned you about the risks. He was just so eager to make you happy. It looks like this whole story could be more serious than you thought it to be in the first place.

Light suddenly catch the corner of your eye. A small light behind the window that grow closer and closer to where your cabin. From the dirty glass, you notice what seems to be five men with lanterns and shovels running from the forest to your little cabin in the wood. You don't even have the time to question who they are, that the prospector barges in the room.

- Shit! We gotta leave (Y/N)! We'll manage!

You flinch as Norton rushes in the room grabbing your hand in his. Your heart pounds against your chest as the black haired male leads you out of the house and off into the cold woods, not even bothering to close the door or bring the bag of food he had started to fill. Luckily, you were quick enough to grab the small fabric bag with the articles of clothing you had managed to put inside.

His hand digs into your skin and leaves your fingers numb. He raises the lantern high above his head, still careful not to alert your pursuers. You run pass the cover of the trees just as the screams of the five men reach the point you were seconds ago. You dare to take a look behind your shoulder, only to hear several curses and...did you dream hearing Norton's name? You are too breathless, panicked and confused to think about it. Everything hurts. Your legs feel like giving up. Your breath burns in your throat and the world is beginning to spin around you. The mushy smell of humid dirt and the fresh sent of pine trees tickles your nostrils.
- Norton...please...
Your hand slips from his as you crouch down trying to catch your breath. Your lungs feel like they will explode if you continue any longer. He's got a look you never saw him have before on his face. Panic. Norton was such a calm man, just thinking about what could have happened to him in this mine for him to look so terrified... his wounds are still slowing him down, but as adrenaline runs trough his veins, pain feels just like a distant thought.

You don't even have time to relax your aching muscles that you hear a shout in the distance. Your heart misses a beat.
- Hey! There's footsteps on the ground! They're ahead of us!
Too close. You can almost hear their feet stomping their way through the mud as they chase behind you. You lift your head ready to flee again, when, without warning, Norton pulls you with him behind a dead trunk in the dark of the woods.

The ground is covered with wet moss that freezes your bones and sticks that pokes your sides. You shiver against Norton, trying to keep what little warmness you still have. Eyes closed, you jump when you hear his voice in your ear.
- You...you remember what I told you?
You nod faintly, tears starting to fill your eyes. He cups your cheeks wiping them before they even fall off your lashes. He stares at your eyes. This look, you gave him was the only thing that made him continue his fight in this madness.

- Campbell! You'll pay for this! You bastard have no soul, how could you do this to them?

The voices that run past you sounds so far, all you can think about are those eyes that are worth every risks you took.
- Remember that I said I would find something to get us a perfect life?
Something changed deep inside him. You feel it. You gently put your hand on his before kissing softly his calloused palm. He stares at the ground, looks empty.
- Norton what happened?
He turns away from you and gets back up, shooting you what looks like a painful smile.
- We'll talk about it later, honey. Let's just focus on getting out of here-
- Norton.
He stops in his tracks hearing your serious tone. You see his eyes wander everywhere, but on yours. He finally sighs. You see a strange sparkle dancing in his dark orbs. The flame of frustration and anger. He mutters against his gritted teeth.
- I messed up. The...
Eyes glisten with tears that refuses to fall. Norton grasps at his arms, fingers digging in his fresh wounds. Burnt skin looking worryingly hurtful.
- But-but that thing was worth hundreds of dollars! I had no idea it would...that the mine...
He stares at his hands, looking empty and helpless.
- Collapse.
You could be angry, scared or even desperate, but all you can feel right now is love for that man you took so many risks for. You gently take his hands in yours. Whatever he did, you could forgive him. You two could really get through anything.
- I love you.
He lifts his teary eyes to yours and smiles. Everything seems to be perfect with you. He may have just made the biggest mistake of his life, mistake he will never forgive himself for, but, with you, it seems like everything will be really okay. He will be okay.
- I do too...

The way through the forest had been a real hassle, but it was nothing compared to the fear of getting caught be the men you could still hear yelling from a distance. By the morning, you two reached a small village where, you hoped, you would be able to erase the mistakes of the past and make the life Norton wanted to live with you so bad.

- You shouldn't go Norton. They are still searching for you. This could also be a trick from them.
You two had been hiding for more than a month now, moving from small hotel room that you rented, to sleeping in the dirty road. You play with your fingers not wanting to lift your eyes on the man. That letter had arrived this morning. With it's red wax seal carved with a weird symbol, it had nothing for you to trust it.
- This could be our way out, (Y/N). Maybe it's the only one we will ever get.
He puts the letter on the table.
- It's only a game. I'm sure it's a stupid stuff like trying to guess who is the murderer or something, he chuckles.
These time were difficult, but you weren't about to take a risk that big. You hoped that Norton would not either.
- This is not the life I want to live with you. It's not the life I promised you.
- Are you sure? You worryingly ask.
He looks at the paper crumbled in his hand.
- This could be our chance, (Y/N)

That look again.


- I'll wait home for you honey. Norty.
He chuckles smiling sincerely at you. He brings you to his chest, large palm caressing your hair. You hear his calm heart beat against your ear.
- I love you. I'll be back faster that you think.
He tilts his head down and cups your cheek to press his lips against his.
- I do too.
You almost have to rip yourself off him once you let go of your sweet hug. Your heart tightens in your chest as you watch him enter the dirty car. He smiles at you trough the window before he slowly disappear from your sight.
- I trust you Norton.
Lol I wrote way too much and it's late.... hope I didn't miss too many mistakes. I'll probably go back to change it a little! :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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