Part 5

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Today its been one month they came to this meditation classes and khushi is feeling much more relaxed and much more at peace than before. Since morning Payal has observed that Khushi even though looks relaxed now is moving here and there restless. She knows why Khushi is restless. Khushi is searching for Arnav everywhere. Arnav went to Delhi early in the morning informing Payal. He has something urgent to solve at Raizada industries. He will be back either late night or next day depending on work pressure. For time being they have sent naniji the elder patron to take care of the ladies here.

Payal wanted to tell to Khushi that Arnav went to Delhi but she wanted Khushi to take the initiative and ask her where Arnav is? Poor Arnav is so confused with hot, cold, hot cold treatment of Khushi. For once Payal wants Khushi to realise Arnav is integral part of her life and very very important person for her.

Today Naniji has accompanied Khushi to her meditation class and she is so happy to be in a peaceful ashram. Naniji said "Khushi, thanq for this wonderful experience. I felt so happy attending this class and be in this beautiful environment. If not for you, when will my grandson arnav would bring us here." He always says be in the house or fly somewhere sophisticated, we should maintain our standard. If it was not for your treatment he will never allow any of us to be in this place."

Khushi got riled up and said "Arnav does anything for anyone naniji, its just that he wants everyone safety, comfort and he is little hygine conscious - saying this she left from there annoyed." Both naniji and Payal had hearty laugh after Khushi left. Its khushi way all the time. She gets riled up, annoyed when someone says something about Arnav. She behaves as if she is the only one to have the right in this world to scold him or get angry on him.

Devyani has seen a lot of life and she knows Arnav and Khushi are made for each other. It is just her way of riling up Khushi to make her understand that Arnav is still so important for her and the ignorance she is showing about Arnav is temporary shut down of her system and senses. Both Arnav and Khushi should understand if they go on ignoring the elephant in the room they never become the old Arnav and Khushi, the awkwardness will continue forever.

Her wayward thoughts came to standstill when Payal said "Naniji do you rmbr Akash and anjali Di 18 birthday party?" That question made Naniji laugh out loud


The whole Raizada house was decorated as bride on that day as the twins anjali and akash has turned 18 and their father Pratap Singh Raizada wanted to make the party memorable. Avni Raizada their mother has made sure to decorate the whole house and called upon the whole of elite Delhi people. Shashi and Garima along with their son Raj were working hard for a week to make the things happen. The day they turned 18 the big day of anji and akash the party was no less than an grand marriage

The Kapoors were also invited whose youngest son Rohan was in Khushi and NK class. Rohan who was Khushi classmate has complained to her father Shashi that Khushi has beaten him yday and has shown all the bandages he has because of Khushi. Everyone in the room were shell shocked and Avni has got irritated and said when you allow the middle class people to blend in rich class environment this is what happens. Even though she loves Khushi in her own way, she dont like the family getting involved so much with their kids. As it is everyone know the growing nearness of Raj and anjali and she don't want payal or khushi to enter into this house as her bahus.

All have asked her why she has kicked that guy rohan but Khushi being adamant didn't answer anyone and left the place running. As party can't stop everyone were asked to attend the guest and Garima assisted by Payal has gone to see why Khushi ran away like that. They know Khushi who was 8 yrs by then is not violent characteristic girl. she runs here and there and naughty but never involve in fights

Garima sat before Khushi and have asked "Whats the matter darling?" after 2 or 3 questions irritated Garima has warned her she will stop talking if she don't tell the whole story, Khushi started speaking "Mamma that guy Rohan said his father warned him not to make friendship with me as I am close to Raizadas. Rohan father said that Pratap uncle is bad and he is drunkard and he said your friend Arnav and your bhaiyaa Akash will also turn like him as they are his sons. Mamma I was angry because he cant say things like that about my Bhaiyaa and Arnav, isnt it?" And amma he always teases me when I start eating with Arnav stating that if Arnav become 18 he will also start drinking like his father.

From then whenever Akash and Arnav leave the home, they used to tease Khushi, "Hello bodyguard, will you come to protect us?" Boys are boys, they know Khushi loves them so much but they are not boys if they don't tease the girls.

That day the 13 year old Arnav and 18 year old Akash has understood the value Khushi gives them and has promised themselves that they will never ever disappoint Khushi.


Watching the sunset from the balcony, Khushi couldn't stop asking her Payal Jiji where Arnav is and a happy Payal has answered, he has some important work in Delhi and will return either late night or early morning. Payal also advised her to take her medicines with dinner and sleep as she has outing tomorrow with naniji and Payal.

Even after dinner there is no sign of Arnav and Khushi wondered why he is taking so much time? Payal and naniji has slept off long time back but Arnav is not even calling Payal to inform when he is going to come. Khushi wondered how Payal jiji and naniji can sleep peacefully when he didn't come back till this late.

The sound of the door knob has alerted her senses and she is on the verge of panic reminding her something of the past when Payal has gotten up with the sound and quickly dashed to the living room to see who it was. Arnav walked in tired and has greeted Payal. Payal just asked him "Is everything fine?" He just mumbled "Hope so and left to his room."

He came back after few minutes and has seen that dinner was arranged by Payal and Khushi is also sitting on the dinning table waiting for him. The tiredness has taken a u turn with the sight he has seen. Khushi is coming around, he knew it by now but she is becoming unpredictable. Sometimes she is cold and sometimes she is hot and sometimes she ignores him like a plague.

He sat on the table, started eating and said to Payal and Khushi that you both should sleep, its quite late. Payal got a call from Akash to enquire if Arnav reached safely. Payal went away talking to him.

Taking the opportunity of no one being around, Arnav questioned casually, "Khushi are you waiting for me till 12.30 at night." Rather than answering his question Khushi just asked "Kya tha itna important, that you have to go to Delhi and which can't be managed from here? And you didn't inform anyone in the morning."

I did inform Payal in the morning Khushi. Naniji knows too, that's why she came here. You were sleeping when I left Khushi, that's why I couldn't tell you, he answered. After a brief silence "Did you feel bad that I didn't inform you Khushi? Are you expecting me to say all the things like before? Did you miss me? Do speak and share something Khushi, until and unless you speak we really don't understand what is going in that crazy brain of yours."

"Did you just called my brain crazy?" I am not crazy. Just because I get to take psychiatrist medicine doesn't mean I am crazy. I am not mad, mental or crazy as you state blasted Khushi and stomped her feet and went back to her room.

Arnav sat there helpless again, he didn't even know what wrong he spoke. Yes, he agree calling someone brain crazy is bad but she is crazy for heaven sake. She is craziest of crazy lot. He ate the food quietly and left to his room - one he never know what sentence will get what reaction from Khushi now a days, second he is damn tired and third the issue for which he left to Delhi is not resolved and he knows impending storm is awaiting him when he reach Delhi after 15 days in the form of his Di.

Laying on the bed where his nani has occupied half of it, he knows today is not his day. He is not even going to get comfortable sleep and then he can never understand women. The only sanest women he ever met is Payal and who is now a days is busy either with his bhai akash or Khushi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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