"Chapter 1 part 3: "soul encounter"

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Soundtrack: Bob le head XXVI

Your physical appearance list

(E/c) - Eye colour
(H/c) - Hair colour
(S/c) - Skin colour
(S/t) - Skin tone
(H/l) - Hair length
(H/T) - Hair type/ Hair texture
(U/o) - Usual outfit
(C/s) - Cup size
(B/s) - Breast size
(B/s) - Body shape

Cue the music

Katsuki becomes tenser as she nears him, his eyes never once leaving her figure, watching intently at the way her (H/T), (H/L), (H/C) bounces with each step she takes.

Her (S/C) glossy skin glows in the light, her curvy (B/S) moves as she walks.

Green, pink, yellow and blue start to radiate from her outer body, her aura.

"Katsuki?" Katsuki's eyes widens at the sound of a familiar voice, her aura was speaking to him!

"I love you Katsuki".

"My dragon king".

"Lord explosion murder! Hah..what dumb name".

"Katsuki I can't leave you behind as your queen I stay by your side!"

"I'll stay with you to the very end Katsuki".

"Katsuki!", "Katsuki!" , "Katsuki!"

Without even realising Katsuki grabs her wrist, pulling her to vigorous halt.

He could feel her soft skin under his rough touch, Katsuki stares deeply into her eyes, listening to the rhythm of her heartbeat, memories floods over him as he stares into her (E/C).



"Bakugou don't be so insensitive, she's hurt man", Kirishima retorts as he cradles (Y/N).

She rubs her forehead "OWWW!". She yelps.

Katsuki growls storming over to them, he rips (Y/N) out of kirishima's hold, Katsuki observers her being, he gently grabs her face, tracing his fingers over the small cut, his face in close proximity, his nose gently touching hers.

Her face becomes heated from the close proximity, "GET OUT MY FACE!" She punches him straight in his jaw sending him flying.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL! IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He screams charging straight at her.

She runs in the opposite direction, "KIRISHIMA SAVE ME!".

"I'm to tired for this", Kirishima sighs.

Memory 2

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT EAT MEAT!" Katsuki yells at her holding up a cooked deer leg to her face.

"I'm telling you for the last time! I am a vegetarian I eat "plant based foods" I. DO. NOT . EAT. MEAT!"  She pushes the dear leg away from her face, feeling sorry for the poor deer.

Katsuki looks at her funny, he gives her that "your dumb" look, he takes a huge chomp out of the meat, he crosses eyebrows deep in thought. "What the hell are you? You some kind of human giraffe?".

Her eyebrow twitches from irritation, "you insensitive bastard!" She charged at katsuki, he uses his explosions and lands on top of a thick tree branch.

"GET BACK HERE!" She yells trying to find away to climb up the tree, "ha why don't you turn into giraf- AHHH WHAT THE HELL! YOU THREW A ROCK AT MY HEAD!".

Memory 3

(Y/N) and Katsuki lay in the sunset silk sheets with their bodies entangled and intertwined in the sheets.

Katsuki stares loving into her (E/C), a small simile makes it's way to his features, "Katsuki?" She calls for his attention.

"Hmm?" Katsuki hums, pulling her closer to his chest, he places soft kisses all over her face before capturing her lips in one last kiss.

She smiles, "I have something to tell you", (Y/N) whispers gently, Katsuki stares into her eyes intensely.

"What is it?" Katsuki becomes concerned, "Katsuki I'm-".

Katsuki snaps out his trance, hearing the soft gentle voice. "Umm can I help you?" She gently tugs her wrist, her eyes averting from his penetrating ruby gaze.

From the corner of his eye, Katsuki notices a few stares he's receiving from some shoppers.

"Oh my, is that young lady being harassed?" An old lady voice wobbles.

"Hey is that guy bothering her?" A brown haired dude points the scene out to his friends.

"Yea it looks like it", his friend nods, "that guy looks intimidating".

Katsuki scans your features one last time, you look up at him to be met by his ruby orbs for a split second, before he bashfully turns away, Katsuki lets go of your wrist.

He turns back to his shopping cart.

"Sorry to bother you. I thought you were someone else", his deep voice mumbles, before walking away with his shopping cart.

She stands there in a trance watching the ruby eye stranger disappear into the many isles.

"That was... strange. Who is he?" You thought, you shake your head to regain focus from your strange encounter.


The tv babbles in the background while you lay on your sofa staring blankly at the ceiling, while millions of things running rapidly on your mind.

"I mean who in the Hershey bar was that guy?!" You wailed you yourself.

You huffed turning on your side to look at the tv, you stare blankly as your vision was brought back to the ruby eyed stranger.

His tall figure built, ash blond spiky hair, ruby eyes, "I've never seen that guy before in my life....", you slowly began to drift off to sleep.


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