Chapter 1 part 2: Aftermath "It can't be"

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Soundtrack: Ambulo - as I remember

Sorry I couldn't find a extended version of this song so you may have to rewind, it's up to you.



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7000 years later, Year 2020.

Katsuki Bakugou had moved away from the graveyard war field that took place 7000 years ago, Katsuki lives amongst the humans in a modern society, where dragons became nothing but a fantasy, a myth.

Katsuki has made quite a living for himself, with him being a self-employed businessman, running several construction companies, an interior design company and owning his own airline company.

Katsuki awoke to the sun peeking through the curtains, "grrr damn it", groaning in annoyance, he rubs his eyes and sits up, once fully awake Katsuki looks to the left side of the bed, but there was nothing but an empty spot.

Katsuki sighs, he's been doing the same actions for years now, in hopes of her being there, but still nothing there.

Katsuki got out of bed doing his daily morning routine, ten minutes later Katsuki is dressed in casual attire, black jeans, burgundy T-shirt and a lightweight black coat, nothing fancy.

He looks himself over in the mirror, fixing his jacket, he scratches the small stubble on his chin, deciding he will probably shave it off tomorrow.

Katsuki leaves his house making his way to the supermarket, the cool breeze gently passes by as the birds sing with the dancing wind, the sun kisses, and praises Katsuki's being.

Katsuki continues to listen to the sound of life, when.

Three young boys who seemed to be around the ages of 5 walk pass Katsuki, he stops feeling a familiar feeling, a moment of nostalgia of his childhood with Deku flooding over him.

"Hey, you guys wanna come to my house? My mum made All Might cookies!" The brown haired boy boasted in excitement, fist bumping the air, the two boys' eyes widens in excitement.

"Yea sure that would be awesome", "yeaaaa so cool!" The boys cheer.

The boy runs up a head, "last one there is a rotten egg", he sticks out his tongue, "hey no fair!" The two desperately try to catch up with the boy in front.

Katsuki couldn't help but snicker at the kid's interactions, but then his thoughts wondered back to her, wondering what life would be like if she were here.

If she was still alive
(Some mature content, kissing 💋)

Remember me? (Bakugou x Fem reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant