5 years later

12 1 0

Tina is 23 now and her and tyler are dating and hes 24. Josh is 26 now greg died 3 years ago.  Tina has been trained by josh and they gang. She is called the ninja because she gets in kills her person and gets out without making a sound.

Scott is still looking for his sister and zac is heart broken.

Scott and the gang was sitting on the couch doing nothing when scott a call.

He answered and put it on speaker.

S- hello


S- if you call again I'll block your a$$ or I'll track you down and kill you

T- I missed you also scott


T- yea sorry I have been m.i.a. for 5 years but alot happened.

S- I miss u and love you sis

T- how's everyone

S- good but

T- I'm sorry zac

Z- what

T- I knew you liked me but I couldn't date a player. I heard you talking to harry.

Z- what was said

T- he dared you to date me, fuck me then leave me... and you agreed to it. Once a player always a player.

H- I'm sorry Tina.

T- it's cool I got a boyfriend now. And hes the best. I have dated him for 3 years now.he helped me after my dad was shoot in a gang war. My dad saved my life and died doing it.

S- I'm sorry sis

T- it's all good. Sorry about ur dad

S- what you mean

It-it was either him or me. He kidnapped me and beat me and he he..... ......

Ty- he rapped her and she killed him before he could do more damage.

R- when

T- when I called you a$$wholes 4 years ago. Thanks for not answering me calls or my dad's or them. I was missing for a whole month. He rapped me and beat me. He was the leader of the white snakes.

S- omg I'm so sorry tina

Ty- sorry man she walked away. She's still upset. She was calling to tell y'all something

Ry- what's that

Ty- white snakes are coming for you guys.


The guys sat around and tried to figure things out.

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