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She sits on the railroad track
That sat over the river
An old wooden one
That had been shutdown

The tracks red with rust
And the wood greying
The winter green threes
Sat everywhere
Hanging over the water or
Standing tall on the mountains

Her feet were
Dangling over the edge
The cold wind
Pushing them with the breeze

She pulled out her notebook
Her sloppy handwriting
And the ink mixed with tears
From the amount of notes
That are written down

Her mother would worry
Her father couldn't bare
The thought of their perfect daughter
And her love story with fear

Her fingers slid over the words
Allowing the tears to fall
She didn't understand
She didn't want to understand
Why she felt this way

She had no more thoughts
No more ideas
Of what the future write

That was it
this was the end

She was defeated

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