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"Hello Doncaster! Your sass masta finally returned back home!" I cheered and the arena erupted  I smiled at everyone and sighed with happiness. This place can always be my escape from everything. This is where I came from. I don't think that I could find any new place to distract myself that is not my home in Doncaster.

"As you all already know, we are here to make you guys feel entertained and we are here to make you all happy and enjoy your time here. We will be singing a few more songs before White Eskimo comes out to perform for you guys. Hopefully, you enjoy your time and here is Best song ever. If you know the words, then please sing along," I told them.

"Maybe it's the way she walked (wow)
Straight into my heart and stole it
Through the doors and past the guards (wow)
Just like she already owned it" They sung first and I looked around as Zayn followed right after them. I waved at a few fans and I talked with a few for when I was not singing. A lot of them told me 'welcome back' and I just smiled.

I really needed to be home. The song went well. Liam and I did our water fight which ended up with me being completely drenched when the song was over and done. I took a swig of water and looked at the signs that were in the crowd.

"That was amazing Doncaster, and the vibes that is flowing around is so bloody fantastic!" I exclaimed, and I looked at a fan that was holding a 'Zianourry' sign and all I did was smile. Modest won't know about that one since there is a shit ton of fans around us. They don't know what I was looking at really.

"We thank all of you who came here tonight, but we also want to thank the people who are watching from home. You're all wonderful people, and we feel the love, trust me. We can see every single one of you in this arena. From all of the way to the top," I said and the fans up there reacted by making the loudest noise possible.

"To the middle," Liam spoke and the noises grew a lot louder and a lot closer. "Then yo the bottom. You all love very lovely by the way," Niall complimented and everyone screamed. I looked at my exes and they looked at me. "This night is just getting started. Let's move on to Diana," Zayn told the crowd and no we moved to get to our spots before the beat boomed throughout the arena.

"Diana"  Zayn sung first before Liam jumped in right after him.
"The front pages are your pictures
They make you look so smart
How could someone not miss you at all? (Oh-ah-oh)" The crowd sang with us and the moment made it extra special because it was my hometown. I mouthed the words when it wasn't my turn to sing, and it gave them sign to sing louder.

"That was amazing and absolutely breath-taking Doncaster! Your voices were so loud! I felt the energy and it rocks!" Niall complimented, earning positive feedback from the crowd. "Now before we have White Eskimo come out here for you guys, why don't we get a little more pumped up before they come out here, yeah?"

"Niall, they need to keep some oxygen in their bodies for the dancing group. If they continue to scream like this, then they'll be too exhausted to scream anymore for when Harry's group is doing their dance number," I said and of course it was a joke. "Oh come on Louis. I know that they can get a bit louder for us, right?" Niall asked.

They all screamed 'YES!' in response and I chuckled. "All I'm saying is that I want them to still be standing for when White Eskimo comes out here and dances for them. A few girls nearly fainted as we were singing earlier," I defended. "Oh they'll be fine," Niall said and the crowd laughed at our little argument.

"Here is Little black dress. If you know the lyrics, then please sing as much as you can," Liam told them and I looked down a little, getting ready for the song to begin.
"Little black dress
Just walked into the room
Makin' heads turn
Can't stop looking at you
It's so right
It's so right
It's so right you know" We sang together and the fans clapped to the beats.

The Dancing Lover (Zianourry) (B1)Where stories live. Discover now