Chapter 7

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I awaken in Gellerts arms once again. I could definitely get used to this, I smile to myself. He's still breathing deeply as he sleeps. His face is perfectly relaxed, and I realize he must keep his jaw clenched. He looks so calm and peaceful in contrast to his usual high strung self. 

There is so much to him that I don't know yet, but I want to know everything about him. I want to know his favorite foods, places, and all his cherished memories. I want know all the ins and outs to him. 

I lie quietly as he continues to sleep and I listen to the sounds of the house. Abe's bed creaks as he turns in his sleep. A few morning birds chirp in the morning sun. The faint bleating of goats from the pastures outside. I could easily stay here like this forever. 

Gellert's breathing changes and he shifts in his sleep. I look at him just as his eyes slide open. He gives me a sleepy smile.

"Good morning darling," he says, his voice scratchy from the lack of use.

"Good morning," I smile at him. He leans towards me and places a gentle kiss on my forehead. My face flushes.

"Aw," he coos at me, I blush a deeper shade of red.

"Shut up," I say, grinning.

"Or what? You'll kiss me?" His eyes sparkle.

"You know what? I just might," I feign a threatening tone.

"Ooh so scary," he mocks. I grab hold of his shirt collar and drag his face closer to mine.

"Hush my love," I mutter before kissing him. He kisses me back gently and sweetly. 

We kiss for a minute before I hear the rest of the house start to wake up. Aberforth knocks on my door. I hastily pull away from Gellert.

"Albus, are you actually in there? Or are you at Gellert's again," he sounds tired. Tired of me. Just as well, because he has been a real pain lately.

"Yeah I'm here," I say.

"Good, I'm coming in," He says and the doorknob starts to turn.

"No!" I yell, "Uh, I'm getting changed," I flub. I hear him sigh.

"Is Gellert in there?" He asks,

"No," I say too quickly. He sighs again.

"Just come downstairs for breakfast, we need to talk," this time I'm the one who sighs.

Gellert rubs my arms to comfort me and he kisses my forehead again.

"I don't think he'll want to see you," I say, "but I should go talk to him,"

"I don't want to see him either, but he is your brother. I'll see you after?"

"Yeah, unless he makes me help with the goats, or some other task. If I can't see you I'll send an owl," I really hope what ever Abe wants to discuss won't take too long.

"Okay, I'll be waiting," he kisses my knuckles. I slide out of bed and get dressed. I know Gellert is watching me do so, but I'm too anxious about Aberforth to care.

I kiss his forehead before heading downstairs.

Aberforth is making breakfast, Ariana is setting the table.

"Good morning Albus!" Ariana greets me with a smile,

"Good morning," I respond. 

"Albus can you cook some sausage?" Aberforth asks.

"Sure," I say, "where do we keep the sausage?" 

"You don't know where we keep the sausage?" His voiced dripping with annoyance.


"They're in the cellar," he starts angrily whisking some eggs. I descend into the cellar and grab some sausages. I go back up to the kitchen and Aberforth had the eggs on the stove and is trying to light it. I grab my wand and light it for him.

"Thanks," he grumbles. 

I grab a second pan and place it on the stove. I light it with my wand and wait for them to cook. They don't take too long, but I got distracted from thinking about learning new magic with Gellert. The bottoms get a little burnt, but they're not too bad. I carry the pan to the table and push some sausages onto our plates. 

We sit down and start eating without saying anything. I let my mind wander. Gellert, the Hallows, traveling the country, Gellert,  Gellert, Gellert,

"So," Ariana starts, snapping me out of my daydream. "I heard that Bathilda's nephew is visiting," my heart jolts, and I guess I must have made a noise or moved suddenly because both of them look up at me.

They go back to eating as Abe says, "he's bad news, he got expelled form Durmstrangs for experimenting with really dark magic,"

"That's not true!" I shout, slamming my hands on the table. Ariana looks frightened, Aberforth looks angry. "Where did you hear that?"

"I went to Bathilda's for tea two days ago. I asked and she told. She even showed me the letter he got sent home with,"

I hear the unmistakable crack of someone disapparating. Gellert left. He was listening. He heard everything. My heart sinks.

"He's not like that! You're lying!" I stand up, my chair sliding out behind me. "That's not why he got expelled!"

"Okay, then why did he get expelled?" Aberforth stands up as well. "Why would Bathilda like to me about why he got expelled?"

"He was more interested in his own studies than his classes!" I shout even louder.

"He's only been here for four days and you've already fallen for his lies! Four days Albus!" He's now yelling, spit flys from his mouth, his face red.

"You don't know him!" I scream. Ariana flinches. She curls back further into her chair. 

"And you do?" Aberforth asks. "Do you actually know him? Or is he just as much of a lier as you?"

"Well at least he knows me! At least he's not trying to tie me down to this provincial life! At least-" I yell. 

"We get it Albus, you hate this place. You hate us. You don't want to stay here. You're 'better than this'. How about I just don't go back to Hogwarts and stay here to take care of our sister that you so despise,"

"Wait, no Aberforth, that's not what I-" I begin to say.

"How about you and Gilbert go on your adventure across the continent while I drop out of school to do the job that you're supposed to have,"

"Abe, no-" I start.

"How about-" he begins.

"Aberforth," Ariana says softly. We both look at her. Her face is wet with tears. Her eyes are puffy and red. Her golden hair falls in front of her face, some of it sticking to her tears.

"Ari," He kneels on the ground beside her and starts murmuring apologies to her.

I remain standing. I unclench my fists, not realizing that I had closed them. I wipe away a stray tear and turn to leave. 

My feet fall heavy on the stairs. My door shuts louder than usual. I throw myself onto my bed.

I want to travel with Gellert. I don't want Aberforth to drop out of Hogwarts. I don't want to be stuck in this tiny village with my unstable sister. I don't hate my siblings, but I feel I would love them more if I only had to see them on holidays. I want more out of life than they do. Aberforth just wants to tend his goats, I don't know what Ariana wants. I think she just wants us to be happy. But Gellert want more out of life. He wants to change the world for the better. He wants knowledge, power, a better world. He wants what I want. He has what I have. We could be great together. We are great together.

Aberforth also said that Gellert had been expelled for delving too deeply into the dark arts. He said Bathilda had told him. But that would mean that Gellert had lied to me. Unless Aberfoth made it up to try and get me away from him. Aberforth never liked Gellert, so it's much more likely that Aberforth is the lier, not Gellert.

Gellert's my key to a new life and he knows it. Why would he lie to me?

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