"Lady Lorna." He briskly walked to me. 

"Good morning, General Hux. I'm sure Father has departed now." I smiled.

"Yes. I cannot thank you enough for staying as our guest in order to solidify our trust with your Father. You show great sacrifice, willing to be away from home for so long." Hux bowed to me, his face looking somewhat embarrassed.

I gathered that this meant it either wasn't his decision for me to stay, or it definitely was. 

"It's no bother. It would have been impolite for both Father and I to leave unexpectedly. I'm glad I can be here in his place. I do quite like it here." I lied. 

General Hux smiled, straightening back up. I felt his eyes graze over my face. Hux was quite handsome, although stiff. I figured there must be many employees here infatuated with him.

"As a guest here on an extended stay, you may have free roam of the main halls and rooms. Control rooms, training rooms and personal quarters are off limits, as they are for everyone unless specifically permitted." Hux began nervously. "We have an indoor garden, sitting room, and a dining hall; all which I encourage you to use." 

"Thank you, General. That's very kind. I'll do my best to use each to their fullest extent." I bowed my head to him.

"If you need anything at all, Lady Lorna, just let me know. I'll help you anyway I can." He blushed and turned away, walking back to the group of technicians.

I watched as the technicians relayed reports to him. Stormtroopers marched past me and people of varying ranks walked about with purpose, reminding me this was a military base. This wasn't much like the lush places I daydreamed about. It was a cold, harsh place. 

I walked down the halls once again, peering out the windows into the forest. What a blessing it would be to disappear into those trees. As I admired the beauty of the landscape, I thought of the two men I've met. The General and Commander are so different. General Hux being gracious as opposed to the Commander who is somewhat terrifying. The Commander I encountered had done nothing wrong to me aside from being rude, but something about him touched my core. His presence was one that could echo through any room, any hall, any person. My meddling nature wanted to seek him out in my boredom, wishing to tease and toy with that brooding man. Alas, I had to be a proper young woman and do my part. I could hear Fathers words in my head.

Beautiful and clever.

I reached the indoor garden after what felt like an hour-long search. It was surrounded by glass, enclosing it's perfection. Inside were the most beautiful flowers in the galaxy. I was sure they had medicinal properties, as the First Order didn't seem like the type to admire it's beauty.  

Exploring the large gardens, I followed along the stone pathways. These moments were some of the few happy ones I felt in so long. The waves of pinks and blues in the flowerbeds reminded me of home. My eyes fluttered shut as I strolled, enveloping myself in the botanical scent. 

Pure peace was my existence, up until I found myself crashing into another person. 

My eyes shot open now, looking up at Commander Ren, as if I manifested him. With my mouth hung open in disbelief, I thought of every curse word I possibly could and kept them all to myself. His mask glaring down at me, I marveled at the sight of him. 

"Lady Felaeon." He spoke.

"Excuse me Commander, the flowers distracted me." I said, looking down.

"The flowers?" Commander Ren's voice was unforgiving.

"Yes. They're beautiful. I'm sorry for running into you." I winced, trying my very best to be polite.

"I forgive you." He nodded. 

I spotted the bench just off the pathway. Attempting to give this my full effort, I pointed to the bench. "Would you like to sit with me?" 

He stared for a moment, then proceeded to sit. It was hard to decipher if he actually wanted to accompany me or if he was planning my murder. I sat beside him, leaving space between us. If he were human, he must look quite scary under that mask. I felt the rage pour off of his being, causing me to wonder if he was also forcing himself to play nice with me. 

"General Hux seems to approve of your stay here." He said with a hint of arrogance.

"Yes, he seems to. In fact, he was happy to hear about me staying." I smiled to myself. 

"He certainly wagered for it." Commander Ren looked to his side, as if to pretend he didn't say anything at all.

His attitude only encouraged me. "Well, he has been very impressive to me during my short time here."

"General Hux has a habit of posturing himself." I could hear his leather gloves tighten into fists. 

"Isn't posturing better than impoliteness? I think so." I smirked, staring out over the flowers. 

"It would be better if the posture he kept was that of a General and not of a flirt." Commander Ren said through his mask, speaking quickly. 

"Pardon me?" I whipped my head around to look directly at him. 

"General Hux should be focused on the mission of the First Order at hand, not a young girl from a planet on the brink of rebellion." His gaze remained ahead, ignoring my glares. 

I stood up, adjusting my dress and regaining my composure. Commander Ren looked up at me now, unfazed by my sudden movement.

"Excuse me, Commander. It's not my place to become involved with the private matters between you and General Hux. I am not yet a diplomat, I am your guest. I will remain in your good graces as long as you allow me." My jaw clenched as I bowed my head regretfully. 

Kylo Ren sat on the bench in silence as I left the garden, the flowers were blurring together through the anger in my eyes.

The only thing of beauty on this entire base was destroyed by a creature in a mask.

Nobility [Kylo Ren]Where stories live. Discover now