well according to that logic it could be anywhere. we were above the ocean.

sokka said flatly, 'i guess we're getting close then.'


who knew flying over the ocean on a sky bison would be so boring?

'momo, marbles please.' said aang, looking at katara as she stitched sokkas trousers back together.

momo scrambled through aangs shirt and pulled out a marble, handing it to aang who had his hand out expectantly.

aang smiled at katara, cupping the marble in his hands,' hey, katara! check out this airbending trick!'

he twirled the marble through the air, letting it spin quickly in his control.

he grinned at her, waiting for her to give him any attention.

she didn't even look at him though, and did not look up from her sewing.

'that's great, aang.' she mumbled, not taking her eyes off what she was doing.

aangs smile dropped, 'you didn't even look'

katara looked up from her sewing and looked at him, not even trying to pretend that she had seen.

'thats great!'

'but im not doing it now?' he muttered crest fallen, i could only offer him a sympathetic glance.

sokka waved his arm dismissively in the twos direction and said, nonchalantly, 'stop bugging her airhead. you need to give girls space when they do their sewing'

i shot him an annoyed look.

'what did you just say?'

katara stopped her sewing for a second and looked up at him. she looked both annoyed and ,quite rightly, angry.

'what does me being a girl have to do with sewing?'

sokka shrugged and replied with, 'simple: girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. its just the natural order of things.'

katara looked back at him and smiled so widely, even a toddler would know it was fake.

'all done with your pants! and look what a great job i did!'

her face dropped and she threw the trousers in sokkas face, hitting him on the head.

maybe she wasn't so bad after all, i thought grinning at sokka's distraught face.

'wait! i was just kidding! i can't wear these!' he stuck his arm through one of the many, still visible, holes and pleaded, 'katara, PLEASE!'

aang grinned, 'don't worry, sokka. where we're going, you won't need any pants!'

sokka tried to put his hand by mine again, but i shuffled away to the other side by katara. we nodded at each other in mutual agreement.

if there was one thing katara and i could agree on it was that men suck.


'we just made a pit stop yesterday. shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?' asked sokka, trying to help me off of appa, i pushed him away. he seemed hurt, but i felt no sympathy.

'he's right.' katara said, walking beside me 'at this rate we won't get to the north pole until spring.'

aang, shaded his face and looked out over the lake 'but appa's tired already, aren't you boy? i said, aren't you boy?'

aang nudged appa conspiratorially with his elbow. appa yawned on cue, but was obviously not actually tired.

aang seemed to think it was good enough though.

'yeah, that was real convincing. still, hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster.' sighed sokka, shrugging.

aang gasped excitedly at the lake, as a giant koi fish jumped out of the water, 'LOOK! that's why we're here... elephant koi! and i'm going to ride it. katara, you've gotta watch me!'

he dove into the water and reappeared a second later, looking shocked, 'COLD!' his teeth chattered.

the rest of us shared a look of exasperation as sokka did a cRaZY sign with his finger.

impressively enough, aang actually managed to catch hold of and ride an elephant koi as it darted in and out of the water.

katara watched aang with an excited and interested look, she was probably concerned for his safety but i felt like there was something else behind the look she gave him. i couldn't quite place my finger on it though.

aang made a big show of riding the giant fish and it was pretty impressive.



'YEEAAAAH WOOHOO!' laughed aang as he rode the fish.

the fish darted underwater and we couldn't see him again, there was a slight moment of worry but he soon reappeared, happy as ever.

'he looks pretty good out there.' said katara. i gave her a look but she avoided me.

'are you kidding? the fish is doing all the work.' said sokka, sarcastically.

'come on, you could never do that.' i smiled, waving at aang.

'no appa don't eat that!' cried katara, running back to appa.

suddenly, two of the fish next to the one aang was riding, veered off to the side simultaneously.

they weren't alone.

'there's something in the water!' yelled sokka.


The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now