Part 3: Foresight

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          Hyrule: Link's First Life
          "Zelda? Zelda, are you in there? Hello?" Link knocked repeatedly on her door, receiving no answer. 
          Finally, "I'm busy! Come back later!" 
          Link still knocked persistently. "C'mon, come out!"
          Zelda groaned inwardly, opening her door. "I have to study. I can't be running around with you right now. I'm sorry." Link smiled, and grabbed her hand to drag her down the stairs. "Link, what are you doing?! I have things to do!" Still, she let him drag her down the stairs and down to the kitchen. They went all the way through a servant's passage down to the kitchen, where they gazed at the sweets on the table. They could smell them from the vent. "Link, you cannot be serious. I have to get back to my studies."
          "Well, excuse me, princess! I was just trying to have a little fun is all. Can't you take a break from your 'studies?'" He smiled mischievously. 
          "No! They are very important studies, and I am on a strict schedule!"
          "There's nobody watching..." Link started tiptoeing over to the table and reaching towards a platter of tarts. 
          "Link!" Zelda whisper-screamed, "Get back here this instant before we're caught!"
          He sighed dramatically. "As you wish, your highness. I'll escort you to your room." They managed to sneak past the guards back into Zelda's room, and she turned back to Link.
          "Your mother is probably wondering about you. You should return to her."
          He made a mock pout face. "You really don't want any?"
          She frowned. "Any what?"
          "Any of these." Link couldn't hide his smile when he revealed the stolen tarts. Zelda gasped.
          "Link! How did you-"
          He laughed. "Even a princess needs to have a little fun sometimes. Here." He handed her one of the tarts, and she laughed, too.
          "Link, you are impossible. Don't you think they'll notice that some of the tarts are missing?" 
          "Maybe, but they have no way to know it was us."
          "Us? Don't drag me into your mischief!" Zelda may have been scolding him somewhat, but she spoke in a humorous tone that lit a spark in Link's eyes. They finished the tarts, making jokes and laughing with each other. Link stared at her smile, a happy face that lit up the room. She smiled when she realized he was staring at her. "What?"
          Link closed his eyes for a moment, and maintained a frown. "You said I have to return to my mom. So I shall." He made a move to stand, but Zelda held his arm back. 
          "Stay. My duties may be important, but they can wait a little while, don't you think?"

          Present Day
          Link purposefully walked down the halls, and he couldn't suppress a smile as he did. The guards to each hall nodded to him as he passed. There hung tapestries donning the royal family colors and symbol, and paintings of battles long past. One of the royal family, he knew, hung in the queen and king's quarters. 
          When he reached his destination, he knocked on Zelda's door gently. He didn't know if she was still asleep. The guards didn't stop him, and he payed them no mind. To his surprise, and delight, the door opened.
          "It's a bit late for a visit." Link held his arm out for her, and she took it. "Where are we going?"
          Zelda's curiosity grew as he only turned back and gave her a smile. They left the castle, the moon now faint in the sky. Where could we be going at this hour? Zelda felt questions pouring into her head like a waterfall, and Link's silence didn't sate it in the least. She didn't protest, she didn't ask the questions that gnawed at her. He led her out to a small circle of trees, and towards a ladder. He went up first, and gave her his hand to help her up. They were in, put simply, a tree house. The front and back walls were missing.
          "Link, what are we doing here?"
          He patted the wood next to him, and she sat down. He pointed towards the sky. "Look," was all he said, and she did. 
          From up in the tree house, they had a wide, beautiful view of the night sky. Stars glimmered brightly from millions of miles away. They swirled in circles and patterns, an illustration of all the world's possibilities. Zelda only realized she was holding her breath when she spoke. 
          "It's beautiful," she breathed, not daring to look away. 
          Link looked at her and smiled. "I come out here often to relax." 
          Zelda started when he spoke. "I can see why. I...I don't have the words to describe..." she trailed off, a smile growing on her face. A cold breeze blew through, and Zelda shivered, only just realizing how cold it was. Link scooted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She turned towards him, holding his hand to warm her own, and resting her head on his shoulder. It was one beautiful night she'd never forget.

          Zelda knew she was dreaming. She stood on Hyrule field, far from the castle and the guards. There was no wind, no sound. The birds and insects were silent. Too silent. She could feel some presence lingering behind her, but everywhere she turned, she only found the silence. Something whispered in her ear, Ganon is coming. His return is inevitable. Then she felt the world falling from her, disappearing, dying. She heard the screams of her people, people from Hateno, Kakariko, Lurelin, Goron, Gerudo, Zora. She knew they were screams of pure terror. She tried to move, to go to their aid, but her feet stood still, unmoving. She screamed, cried for help, but no sound came. She couldn't breathe, couldn't breathe, and then she was falling down, down a deep hole she hadn't realized was there...
Zelda screamed, then realized she was awake. Her throat felt dry and scratchy, and there were tears on her cheeks. Had she been screaming in her sleep? She breathed heavily, trying to calm her fast-beating heart. Link was sitting next to her, one hand on her shoulder, the other in hers. She still felt the fear in the pit of her stomach.
          "It was only a dream."
          She sighed with relief. "Link."
          He looked at his hand entangled in hers. "They said you were screaming in your sleep, so I came." He paused, then looked back at her. "Are you alright?" 
          Zelda sat up and pulled her legs towards her chest. Link took his own hands away, still looking concerned. "I...I don't know. I was on Hyrule field, only I couldn't hear anything, and the voice...something told me Ganon was coming. There were screams, and then the darkness was all around me. I could feel it." She stared down at her nightgown, finding tears falling down her face again. A blank, empty stare. She lowered her voice to a whisper so quiet Link could barely hear her. "I fear we are in incredible danger." At that, she inhaled a deep, shaky breath and closed her eyes. 
          Link took in a breath to process her words. "I had the same dream."
          Zelda looked up, then scooted over for Link. He sat down next to her, and they sat in silence. They both knew it hadn't been a coincidence. The wordless air around them spoke more than any words to express, and Zelda was able to understand Link just a little bit more. 

          No one was safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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