Part 1: Twilight

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          IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ: For those of you who are Zelda fans and have played BOTW through a million times, yes, I know the facts don't all add up to the memories Link receives or in that order, but I changed it to add flavor to the story and to make it interesting, because that's how fanfics work. I've included things like details from Zelda's diary and such so that it can be appreciated. If you notice a way in which I can improve my story, tell me and I will do my best. I could really use real feedback from people who don't know me. You can go read now. No, really, I'm done talking.


          He turned to see the Princess Zelda walking towards him. She was beautiful. Long, blonde hair, striking features. He suddenly saw her differently, many times. Some with brown hair. Sometimes a child, other times a little older. Wielding a powerful force, a sword, a bow and arrow of incredible power. Link stood for a moment.
          "Link." Her voice shook him out of his daze. "Are you alright?" He nodded, looking back at the setting sun, and the approaching storm clouds. Foreboding. "Okay. I've been doing some research, and I think I've figured out how to use the Guardians to our advantage, even in their current state. I think, perhaps, that it's just their programming that's been corrupted. If we regulated it, they might return to normal. Of course, then there's the matter of keeping them from being corrupted over again, but the royal scientists could figure it out, I'm sure." She stopped for a moment, looking away. "It's become more difficult with my father gone. He was one of the brightest minds in the kingdom, and he was..."
          She didn't say any more. After a while, when the sun was nearly set, she spoke again. "I'm curious. I've always assumed you were often quiet because you weren't a social person. Recently, you've seemed more thoughtful, or...perhaps, disturbed by something?"
          He said nothing. Zelda looked frustrated, but both remained silent. When it was dark, Link returned to the quarters the king had given him before he was killed. Zelda still struggled with it. Since she'd realized her power, she hadn't been able to summon it again. The loss of her father hadn't helped, and after her coma, she'd cried for days. All he could do was be there while she wept, silently offering prayers to the Goddess. It seemed his prayers had been answered. She was now entirely focused on helping the kingdom against Ganon in every way possible.
           It was getting late, and Link was tired. He turned the lights out, put his sword on his side desk, and fell asleep.


          When Link awakened, it was still dark out, but he didn't feel like sleeping. He quietly dressed in his blue tunic and left the castle, trying not to disturb anyone. The guards nodded to him as he passed. When he was outside, he walked across the bridge to the place where he'd had his knighting ceremony so long ago. He followed the edge of the moat to a hill visible to the horizon, and sat down against a tree. The morning was chilly, though he didn't mind, and all was still around him. 
          He suddenly heard a small shriek from behind him. He turned to see Zelda in a defensive position. "Goodness, Link, you scared me! What are you doing out so early?" He took it as rhetorical and said nothing. Zelda nodded. "I suppose you could ask me the same thing. I enjoy walking about the castle and watching the sun rise." She paused. "Is that why you're here, too?" He nodded, looking back to the horizon. The sun was coming up, and the clouds turned a pretty shade of orange and pink. Zelda sat down next to him. She was close, but he didn't mind. "I'm glad I'm not the only one." Another pause, then Zelda shivered. "My, it's chilly." Link, being the gentleman he was, wrapped an arm around her, and pulled her closer. He felt her relax in his grip, and had to stifle a smile. They'd probably been there for two or three hours when they decided to return to the castle. People would be waiting for them.


          It was an uneventful day. Zelda had gone off to study the Guardians, and Link had spent the day hunting and cooking with the chef. The chef didn't mind it because this had become a normal behavior for Link. He liked to cook, even though there were people there to do it for him. Sometimes he would even help them cook the meals, and they appreciated his help very much. Some of the cooks found him odd, but they never asked any questions. Over time, they'd set apart a small section of the kitchen for him that had all the basic necessities.
          Today, however, Link did not even come to dinner, and it wasn't the first time this had happened. Zelda did not have the patience for it today. They hadn't gotten any information from the Guardian, and she'd grown more and more frustrated. She sat in the dining room in the spot she usually sat, next to Link. One of the servants came with more water for her.
          "Do you know where Link is?"
          "There is no way to be sure, ma'am, but I believe he's gone to the Sacred Grounds."
          "Thank you. Hold on dinner until we return." 
          "Yes, ma'am."
          Zelda walked to the Sacred grounds, where she found Link kneeling on the ground, his sword laying on the ground in front of him. He looked thoughtful. Zelda put her hands on her hips, as he hadn't heard her approach. 
          "Link, what do you think you're doing? It's past dinner!" He jumped as he turned around, and fell on his sword. He made a move to get up, but she wasn't finished. "I'm waiting. Tell me what it is that's keeping you from the castle! Why don't you tell me anything?!" He looked stunned at Zelda's burst, and his hand bled from falling on his sword, but he didn't seem to notice. "And why, for the love of the Goddess, don't you speak? Why don't you just talk to me for once?!" She threw her hands up with the statement. She could see tears in his eyes, and then the anger. He picked up his sword, and ran off into the woods to keep her from seeing him cry. She felt a sting of regret at her words, but she decided to leave him alone. She would apologize when he seemed better, and when she was less quick to act. 

          Link ran. Faster than he'd ever run, if only to escape the one thing he'd worked so hard to keep out. He stopped only when he could not run any longer. For all he knew, he was miles from Hyrule castle, but he didn't care. His knees collapsed on him, and his hands hit the ground, the blood stale. The thunderclouds he'd seen in the sky were pouring on the forest now, and he couldn't stop the tears coming. 

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