13-The guy who wanted to take a hot shower

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So i know I've been absent for a long while that some of you wondered if i died lmaaaoo !

NNaaaah still alive and back at it.

I hope you enjoy this chapter 'cause things are getting reallly ...umm exiting!!!


I swallow hard before knocking on the door.My palms were sweaty,and it seems like I was attack by the fidgeting disease.I didn’t even know why I was that nervous actually,I mean it’s just a girl and not even an super hot one,it’s Annabelle for god sakes.Then why am I so nervous?

The door open to a smiling Annabelle.I almost didn’t recognize her,one was the fact that she was smiling and second,is that she had gotten rid of her humongous glasses.

Her face turns sour as she realize that it’s me standing there.

“What are you doing here?”

“Oh,I’m sorry ma’am I’m looking for an girl with humongous glasses and bad perm.I’ve been told she lives here.”

“You know before I use to consider you an arrogant a-hole,now you’re just an a-hole.”She glares.

“And you are still an ugly nerd.”I glare back at her.

Her eyes drift from me to something at my right.A car had just pulled in the drive way.

I narrow my eyes at it’s owner.

“Ah,here’s my ride!” BMN says happily.

Nick get’s out from the car,a small smirk on his face as he sees me standing in front of the porch.But what shock me most is the other person that gets out of the car.Claire.

So that why he was sporting that punch worthy smile on his face.

“Well,hello Vincent.Fancy seeing you here.”

I keep glaring at him my hands balled up into fists.

Claire approaches me looking's radiant as ever.She pecks me on the cheek before turning to hug a non smiling Annabelle.Wonder what’s gotten into her now?

They all decided to go in and spend a little ‘quality’ time before heading to the movies.

I was definitely annoyed,my plan to humiliate Nick had fail so now I had to watch him getting cozy with the nerd.Claire was asking for my attention before she finally realize that I was in a shitty mood.

“Let’s do something fun before we get going.” Claire proposed.Nick automatically agreed,which left me and the nerd looking like ‘debbie downers’.

“Okay,we can play a board game.”Annabelle proposes. I roll my eyes.

“Of course you would say that.” 

“You have a problem with what i say Hale?” She snaps looking up at me.

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