Hunter tightens his grip around my hand as we turn a busy corner, pulling me closer to him. "I had to fly to Georgia for a meeting on Thursday. I just got back this morning."

"Did you not have cell service in Georgia?" I blurt out. Dread immediately washes over me. Why did I just say that?

"No, I did," Hunter answers tentatively, his eyes flickering with mild astonishment. Maybe this is good, I'll show him I can be bold. Strong!

"Hmm..." I divert my gaze to the entrance of the park. "Interesting."

Hunter doesn't say anything but I feel his eyes watching me. Ok, maybe I just made this awkward. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I'm never reading Cosmo advice on flirting ever again. Subscription canceled! But, he hasn't let go of my hand yet, so maybe I didn't completely offend him.

"I meant to call you, Lilah. But I got wrapped up in board meetings," Hunter finally says as we cross the street into Central Park. "I'm hoping this will make up for it."

We stop in front of a horse-drawn carriage. My eyes widen with glee. Horses!

The carriage is whimsical and white, with dark green velvet interiors. The coachman is wearing a matching velvet overcoat and a silky black top hat. The majestic honey brown horses neigh as we approach.

"This is for us!?" I can't hide the excitement in my voice. Hunter's eyes crinkle with a smile.

"Yes, get in." I steady myself on Hunter's firm shoulders as I lift myself up. Hunter follows me with one fluid motion.

Once we are both seated the coachman pulls the reins and the horses begin trotting.

"I've always wanted to ride one of these!" I exclaim.

Hunter grabs a checkered blanket from the seat across from us and lays it over our laps.

"I know," Hunter says self-assuredly as his eyes sweep my face.

"You do?" I ask surprised. Wait. I don't think I mentioned this to him before. Did I? My eyebrows furrow. "How do you know?"

Hunter laughs showing his impeccable straight teeth. Maybe he has dentists in the family as well.

"Guess?" he asks. An image of Kimmy's blabbering mouth instantly pops into my head. Of course. My personal Madame.

"Hm... perhaps from your 'source'?" I don't try to mask the sarcasm in my voice.

"Yes. My source was very forthcoming." Hunter grins. Very forthcoming? Kim!

"Really? What other information did she divulge?" Please nothing embarrassing.

"She listed off about a dozen things that I could do so you would grant me forgiveness for my lack of communication." A dozen things? I can't even think of six right now! "Unfortunately, I wasn't able to procure first-class tickets to Paris in such a short amount of time," Hunter teases me and I flush.

Oh, the Paris dream. I guess with all the money he has, Kimmy thought it was worth it to toss it into the mix.

"Well, that's something to remember for next time then." Am I flirting? I think I'm flirting. Go Lilah!

"I'll make sure to add that to the list of potential future dates, next to an African Safari, ice-cream tasting, and...a sensual pottery class?" Hunter asks bemused.

Shit. I can't believe she told him all of that! Especially the pottery class. I mentioned that one time after we watched Ghost. It was just something about Patrick Swayze and his dirty clay ridden hands...

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by E.L. Lewis
Reeling from her father's death and mother's recklessness, Delilah St...
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