Start from the beginning

You remembered when Yoongi had initially pushed you to the floor and your hands had caught rocks littered against the side of the tunnel. You scoffed at yourself for the ridiculous notion of actually trying to hit the bat, but upon the great pain that suddenly shot up your leg, you stopped abruptly and knew you had to try.

"What are you doing?!" Yoongi spoke over the frantic fluttering and screeching of the pest above. You were scared of getting bitten, but you swallowed your fear and stepped in front of Yoongi before kneeling down.

"Stay behind me," You informed him, using your hand to feel for large rocks as you waved off the creature buzzing around your head. Your fingers curled around a rock, and when the creature swooped down, you blindly chucked the rock at where you thought the bat was.

A sharp screech and thunk of the rock hitting the ground confirmed that you had hit it, but the animal was still in the air and now...

Angry. The island had deprived you of many things, and nutrition was definitely one of them. Your throwing arm wasn't all that strong anymore and couldn't do any harm to the animal with the small rock.

"(Y/N)?" Yoongi questioned with fear littered in his voice as he heard the rock crash with the ground. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine," You waved him off, teeth clenched in determination as you felt hatred for the animal that now further pestered the two of you. You heard Yoongi gasp and flail his arms as the bat attacked him, and you bit your lower lip in anger.

Your mind suddenly formed an idea. One that was probably ridiculous. Thinking quickly and not hesitating, you knelt down and allowed your fingers to trail against another rock. Gripping it tightly, you ran forward a bit and pushed through the pain to lead the bat away from Yoongi.

It worked, and the creature now swarmed you. You needed to act quickly if you didn't want to get bitten. You reached behind you and unclipped your bra, thanking the darkness so Yoongi couldn't see and knowing you would have found the situation humorous if you weren't being plagued by the angry bat.

You pulled the bra from under your shirt so that you now had it in your hands and wondered if you were out of your mind.

The answer was yes.

Placing the rock in the makeshift slingshot, you pulled back as far as you could and tried to figure out where the creature was. You listened for the fluttering and your heart beat in anticipation.

Your eyes strained in the effort, and suddenly you thought maybe you made out the shadow of the animal. At the movement, you released your bra and sent the rock flying. Luck was on your side, and you listened in astonishment as a thunk was heard and the animal was penetrated by the rock. You didn't think you killed it, but after a shriek, you no longer heard the animal and had to assume it had flown away in panic to deal with it's wounds.

You were left panting in astonishment as you couldn't believe that you had just hit a bat using your bra as a slingshot. Your mother would be so proud.

"What's happening?!" Yoongi asked frantically, you laughing as you heard him shuffle in the dark in search for you.

"Don't worry, I hit the bat with a rock," You informed him, his eyes widening as he listened and became rather impressed.

"Wow, you did? That's really-"

"Using my bra. Like a slingshot!"

Yoongi bit his tongue at this, not knowing how to react as unknown flustered shock flooded his body. Every time he thought he was used to you, you surprised him.

"It was crazy! I might have even killed it, but I think I just injured him." You shuffled as you attempted to get your bra back on in the high temperature of the dark cave. "Wow, I guess you were right to be afraid of bras, Yoongi. They can be dangerous."

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