Solomon x Oc

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It was dark and cold. She could feel the icy sharpness licking her veins. Shuddering, Sienna curled in a ball and chewed her lip. Reaching a hand out, she was met with a solid wall. All around her, darkness surrounded her, jeering and taunting at her helplessness. Her entire life she'd been in the dark. She'd never seen another colour, or recalled what she looked like.
She'd never seen the light.
She'd never felt what it was like to be free.
Soon though, that was going to change.

Sheilding her arms in front of her face, Sienna squinted through her lashes and curled her wings around her loosely.
Staring at the ground she looked around, eyes not used to the bright, rich colours that greeted her when she finally freed herself from the cold, darkness that used to devour her.
Running her hand through a patch of grass, she marvelled at the texture.
How long had it been since she'd had seen the sky?
A playful lick of wind blew through her locks and she raised a hand to follow it. The sound of stirring sand danced around and she whirled around. Her wings twitched with the urge to fly and she urged them silently to work. Wings beating, she waved her arms wildly and flailed around as she tried desperately to adjust to the new feeling. Dropping, she tumbled down a dune of sand and seethed at the hot burns it left in her skin.
Glancing up Sienna scrambled to her feet and clumsily retreated a few feet.

Solomon tipped his head at the young girl, a curious manner as to how she held herself. And of course, her wings. Sleek, dark and slender, wickedly sharp at the ends before smoothing into sharp feathers.
Eyes that looked starved of any emotion and a face as pale as the moon. Chewing his lip, he assessed what she was wearing. No shoes, but faint outlines of scars could be seen on her ankles. Loose pants much like his, a t-shirt that outlined just how skinny and bony she was.
Heck, he could see her collar bone jutting from the tip of her shirt and stared at the tangle of blue locks, different shades and tints here and there.
Pale, blue eyes stared at him.
"What's your name?"
"Where did you come from?"
"Somewhere dark. Very dark."
He raised a brow at her .
Sienna pointed at his staff.
"What's that?"
"You don't know what this is?"
"No. And what colour is it?"
"It's a divine staff. And it's gold."
"Gold. Go-ld. What's the colour of your hair?"
"Seriously, why are you asking weird questions?"
"I've never seen these colours before. It was just dark."
"How long were you in the dark?"
"Too long."
"Where did you come from?"
As he talked to her, he noticed more and more scars on her. Since she was deathly pale, (even though it was sunny on what, a daily basis) the scars on her were vivid and stark.
Sienna scratched her head.
"I don't know. Though I picked up on something like a church or something. That helpful?"
Solomon stiffened and swallowed the rage that coursed through him. He'd known the church was cruel but this...
Forcing a small nod he chewed his lip harshly.
"How'd you end up here?"
She tipped her head and raised a brow.
"There was this voice- um in my head. It told me to run and where to run and by the time I jumped it told me to run and not look back."
She waved her hands.
"If your wondering why I didn't just fly away, well to be honest this is the first time I've had a chance to stretch my wings. They used to be bind."
A clumsy take off was demonstrated that sent her sprawling before the blue headed magician. He helped her too her feet and was surprised to find how calloused her nimble hands were.
She grasped his hand and pointed at the bangles on his arms.
"Are those chains? Do they hurt?"
He shook his head.
"They're just decorations you can wear. See?"
He guided her hand to feel the materials.
Her eyes widened in surprise and she traced a design carefully.
"They look very nice. "
Sienna pulled back and pointed at the sky.
"What's that colour?"
Solomon propped a hand on his waist and craned his neck.
"That's white. And white is more a tint then a colour. "
"Tint? That rhymes with mint!"
Solomon sweatdropped and nodded.
She was adjusting her wings when he finally deemed her harmless.
"Sienna, do you want to come back to the resistance with me? I promise you'll be safe and I can teach you all about colours. "
Sienna tipped her head and stared at him.
"What's the resistance?"
"Right, um well, we're just a group who rebell against the church. The same church that held you captive for your whole life so far. "
"Um, how do you get there?"
"We fly!"
He eyed her.
"I can pick you up. So climb on."
He hoisted her up and once sure that she wouldn't let go or loosen her grip, he took off gently, not wanting to scare her.
She seemed to enjoy it though. Sienna glanced down and froze, hands evidently clutching on to Solomon tighter. The said man noticed and paused a bit, hovering.
"Are you ok?"
"Uh huh..."
He craned his neck and found her peering at the ground, eyes wide and somehow, even paler then she already was.
She must be scared he thought.
Maybe I should've warned her not too look down. Too late now I guess.
"You'll be ok, promise. I won't drop you or anything. "

And that, is how Sienna met her best friend, Solomon.

To be continued...

Hey there, Im really sorry for not updating, but there is a reason, and I'll mention that on my next chapter. Please read it for more information.

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